On names

  • On names
  • Incerti auctoris liber de praenominibus de nominibus de cognominibus de agnominibus de appellationibus de verbis in epitome redactus a Iulio Paride
    (Of an unknown author, a book on first names, names, surnames, nicknames and appellations, epitomised by Iulius Paris)
  • Fragmentum de praenominibus
    (Fragment on first names)
  • De nominibus epitome
    (Epitome on the names)
Period covered:
Romulus and Remus-?
State of Preservation:
  • Secular history (miscellany)
The treatise is inserted at the end of Julius Paris' Epitome of Valerius Maximus, and is presented as its tenth part. According to Kappelmacher (1918: 688), this was done during the Middle Ages, in order to conclude a work that seemed incomplete.
A subscription attributes the work that has been epitomized to Gaius Titius Probus and defines its title as Epitoma historiarum diversarum et exemplorum Romanorum. According to the subscription, Helpidius Domnulus (Ravenna, 500 A.D.) is said to have copied and corrected it (Faranda 1971: 33).
Edition - Translation:
  • G. Galdi (1922) L'epitome nella letteratura latina. Napoli.
  • R. Guerrini (1981) Studi su Valerio Massimo. Pisa.
  • W. Heraeus (1893) Spicilegium criticum in Valerio Maximo eiusque epitomatoribus (Jahrbücher für classische Philologie, Supplement 19). Leipzig: 579-635.
  • A. Kappelmacher (1918) 'Iulius Paris (378)'. In: Paulys Realencyclopädie der classischen Altertumswissenschaft 10.1: 686-689.
  • J. Schnetz (1904) Neue Untersuchungen zu Valerius Maximus, seinen Epitomatoren und zum Fragmentum de praenominibus. Münnerstadt.
  • D.M. Schullian (1934) 'A new indirect tradition for the text of Valerius Maximus'. Transactions of the American Philological Association 65: 35-46.
  • T. Stangl (1894) 'Zu den Epitomatoren des Valerius Maximus'. Philologus 53: 572-576.