
  • Anecdota
  • Ἀνέκδοτα (Anekdota, Unpublished writings)
  • Ἀπόκρυφη Ἱστορία
    (Apokruphē historia, Secret history)
  • Historia arcana
Period covered:
State of Preservation:
  • Secular history (classicizing history)
  • Secular history (general)
The Anecdota consists of three parts. The third part was added after the first two parts were written (Kaldellis 2010: xxix-xxxv).
Roger Scott (1987: 217-221) dates the Anecdota to 558/559. Greatrex (1994: 105) disputes Scott's arguments and dates the Anecdota to 550/551. Cameron (1985: 8), Treadgold (2007: 188) and Evans (1972: 41) are also in favour of 550-551.
Procopius begun to write the Anecdota shortly after Theodora died, that is around 548 (Treadgold 2007: 187).
Edition - Translation:
  • H.B. Dewing, G. Downey (1954=1935) Procopius. Volume Six. (The Loeb Classical Library) London.
  • J. Haury, G. Wirth (1963) Procopii Caesariensis opera omnia. Volume Three (Bibliotheca scriptorum Graecorum et Romanorum Teubneriana). Leipzig.
  • A. Kaldellis (2010) Prokopios: The Secret history with related texts. Indianapolis.
  • O. Veh (1961-1971) Prokopios: Werke. Four Volumes. Munich.
  • J.S. Codoñer (2000) Procopio de Cesarea: Historia segreta. Madrid.
  • F. Conca, R. Cessi (1996) Procopio: Storie segrete. Milan.
  • G.A. Williamson (1983) Procopius of Caesarea: The secret history. London.
  • L.R. Cresci (1977) Procopio: Carte segrete. Milan.
  • P. Maraval (1990) Procope: Histoire secrète. Paris.
  • Av. Cameron (1985) Procopius and the sixth century. Berkeley.
  • Av. Cameron (1966) 'The skepticism of Procopius'. Historia 15: 466-482.
  • M.R. Cataudella (2003) 'Historiography in the East'. In: Greek and Roman historiography in Late Antiquity: Fourth to sixth century A.D., ed. G. Marasco. Leiden - Boston: 391-447.
  • J.A.S. Evans (1972) Procopius. New York.
  • J.A.S. Evans (1996) 'The dates of Procopius' works: A recapitulation of the evidence'. Greek, Roman, and Byzantine Studies 37: 301-313.
  • G. Greatrex (1994) 'The dates of Procopius' works'. Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies 18: 101-114.
  • J. Howard-Johnston (2002) 'The education and expertise of Procopius'. Antiquité Tardive 10: 19-30.
  • A. Kaldellis (2004) Procopius of Caesarea: Tyranny, history and philosophy at the end of Antiquity. Philadelphia.
  • A. Kaldellis (2009) 'The date and structure of Procopius' Secret history and his projected work on Church history'. Greek, Roman, and Byzantine Studies 49: 585-616.
  • G. Moravcsik (1958) Byzantinoturcica: Die byzantinischen Quellen der Geschichte der Türkvölker. Berlin: 489-490.
  • B. Rubin (1954) Prokopios von Kaisareia. Stuttgart.
  • R. Scott (1985) 'Malalas, the secret history and Justinian's propaganda'. Dumbarton Oaks Papers 39: 99-109.
  • R. Scott (1987) 'Justinian's coinage and Easter reforms, and the date of Secret history'. Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies 11: 215-221.