Anecdoton Holderi

  • Anecdoton Holderi
  • Ordo generis Cassiodor(i)orum
    (Ordo generis Cassiodor(i)orum, Description of the family of the Cassiodori)
  • Libellus de stirpe sua
Period covered:
Late 5th-early 6th c.
State of Preservation:
  • Biography (collective)
This brief account of the literary achievements of Symmachus the Younger, Boethius and Cassiodorus only survives in an excerpt. It may have been composed in Constantinople and aimed at linking Cassiodorus with the two other men, who had been executed at the end of the reign of Theoderic and were seen as innocent victims of his rule.
Edition - Translation:
  • A. Gallonier (1996) 'Anecdoton Holderi ou Ordo generis Cassiodororum: Introduction, édition, traduction et commentaire'. Antiquité tardive 4: 299-312.
  • L. Viscido (1992) Ordo generis Cassiodororum: Excerpta. Naples.
  • H. Usener (1877) Anecdoton Holderi: Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte Roms in ostgothischer Zeit. Leipzig.
  • A.J. Fridh (1973) Magni Aurelii Cassiodori Senatoris Opera (Corpus Christianorum: Series Latina, 96). Turnhout: v.
  • J.J. O'Donnell (1979) Cassiodorus. Berkeley: 260.
  • T. Mommsen (1894) Cassiodori Senatoris Variae. (Monumenta Germaniae historica: Auctores antiquissimi, 12). Berlin: v-vi.
  • (1995) Clavis patrum Latinorum (CPL) 909
  • S. Bjornlie (2013) Politics and tradition between Rome, Ravenna and Constantinople: A study of Cassiodorus and the Variae 527-554 (Cambridge studies in Medieval life and thought, 4.89). Cambridge.
  • P. Chiesa, L. Castaldi (2012) La trasmissione dei testi latini del Medioevo: Mediaeval Latin texts and their transmission. Volume Four (Millennio medievale, 94). Florence: 100-102.
  • A.S. Christensen (2002) Cassiodorus, Jordanes and the History of the Goths: Studies in a migration myth. Copenhagen.
  • A. Milazzo (1993) 'L’Anecdoton Holderi: Un genere letterario contaminato'. In Cassiodoro: Dalla corte di Ravenna al Vivarium di Squillace, ed. S. Leanza. Soveria Mannelli: 177-189..
  • M. Vitiello (2006) Il principe, il filosofo, il guerriero: Lineamenti di pensiero politico nell’Italia Ostrogota (Hermes Einzelschriften, 97). Stuttgart.