Excerpta Salmasiana II

  • Excerpta Salmasiana II
  • Ἀρχαιολογία
    (Archaiologia, Archaeology)
Period covered:
Noah-Valentinian III
State of Preservation:
  • Form (excerpt collection)
  • Secular history (chronological history)
The excerpts have been wrongly ascribed to John of Antioch (FHG IV, 538; Patzig 1900; Roberto 2005: liii-lxxiv), and hence often go under the name of Salmasian John. For a critique of this idea, see Boissevain (1887); de Boor (1899); Bleckmann (2010); Van Nuffelen (2012). Bleckmann (2010) detects use of the so-called Leoquelle.
As the fragments cover the history of mankind, it may have been a chronicle or, more likely, a chronological history.
  • B. Bleckmann (2010) 'Der salmasische Johannes Antiochenus: Ein Versuch zur Bestimmung seines Profils für die Geschichte der Spätantike'. In: Historiae Augustae colloquium Genevense in honorem F. Paschoud septuagenarii, ed. L. Galli Milic - N. Hecquet-Noti. Bari: 51-61.
  • B. Bleckmann (2009) 'Fragmente heidnischer Historiographie zum Wirken Julians' in Andreas Goltz e.a. (eds), Jenseits der Grenzen. Beiträge zur spätantiken und frühmittelalterlichen Geschichtsschreibung. Berlin: 61-77.
  • U. Boissevain (1887) 'Über die dem Ioannes Antiochenus zugeschriebenen Excerpta Salmasiana'. Hermes 22: 161-178.
  • C. de Boor (1899) 'Zu Iohannes Antiochenus'. Hermes 34: 298-304.
  • P. Manafis (2018) Collections of historical excerpts: Accumulation, selection, and transmission of history in Byzantium. Diss. Ghent.
  • E. Patzig (1900) 'Die hetera archaiologia der Excerpta Salmasiana'. Byzantinische Zeitschrift 9: 357-369.
  • U. Roberto (2005) Ioannis Antiocheni fragmenta ex Historia chronica (Texte und Untersuchungen, 154). Berlin.
  • P. Van Nuffelen (2012) 'John of Antioch, inflated and deflated: Or how (not) to collect fragments of early Byzantine historians'. Byzantion 82: 437-450.