
  • History
Period covered:
State of Preservation:
  • Biography (general)
  • Secular history (general)
  • Secular history (classicizing history)
Ausonius is said to have written a work on usurpers (if that is how one should understand De imperatoribus res novas molitis) from Decius to Diocletian, based on the books of Eusebius of Nantes. He is most likely to be identified with the Greek historian Eusebius (cf. Eusebius, historian used by Evagrius): they share the same name and their works are co-terminous (pace Burgess 1993). Burgess (1993) identifies Eusebius of Nantes with the author of the Ennmansche Kaisergeschichte. P.L. Schmidt (in Herzog 1989: 123) proposes an identification with a fourth-century grammarian. For further possible identifications, see De Cicco (2013/2014: 215-217).
Edition - Translation:
  • P. De Cicco (2013-2014) 'L'historien Eusèbe de Nantes (?): Nouvelles perspectives'. Revue des études tardo-antiques 3: 211-242.
  • FGrHist 101
  • BNJ 101
  • B. Bleckmann, J. Gross (2016) Historiker der Reichskrise des 3. Jahrhunderts. Volume One (Kleine und fragmentarische Historiker der Spätantike, A 1/4, 6/8). Paderborn.
  • P. De Cicco (2018) 'L’historien Eusèbe de Nantes (?): édition des fragments', in Canistrum ficis plenum. Hommages à Bertrand Lançon (Revue des Etudes Tardo-Antiques. Supplément 2), eds. E. Amato, P. De Cicco, T. Moreau: 97-130.
  • A. Berger, J. Fontaine, P.L. Schmidt (2020) Handbuch der Lateinischen Literatur. Sechster Band: Die Literatur im Zeitalter des Theodosius. Erster Teil: Fachprosa, Dichtung, Kunstprosa. Munich: 623-643.
  • R. Burgess (1993) 'Principes cum tyrannis: Two studies on the Kaisergeschichte and its tradition'. The Classical Quarterly 43: 491-500.
  • P. Goukowsky (1996) 'Un imitateur tardif d'Hérodote: Eusèbe, historien des Césars'. In: La koine grecque antique II, ed. C. Brixhe. Nancy - Paris: 171-201.
  • R. Herzog (1989) (ed.) Restauration und Erneuerung: Die Lateinische Literatur von 284 bis 374 n. Chr., ed. R. Herzog (Handbuch der Altertumswissenschaft, 8.5). Munich.
  • H. Sivan (1992) 'The historian Eusebius (of Nantes)'. The Journal of Hellenic Studies 112: 158-163.
  • R. Suski (2005) 'Why Eusebius of Nantes was not the author of the Kaisergeschichte' in: J. Styka, ed., Studies on Roman literature. Krakow: 43-71.