Origin of Constantine

  • Origin of Constantine
  • Origo Constantini imperatoris
    (Origo Constantini imperatoris, Origin of the emperor Constantine)
  • Anonymus Valesianus pars prior
  • Excerpta Valesiana I
  • Anonymus Valesianus I
Period covered:
The life of Constantine the Great and, possibly, earlier emperors.
State of Preservation:
  • Secular history (general)
  • Form (epitome)
  • Biography (general)
The Origo represents the first part of the Excerpta Valesiana, with the so-called Anonymus Valesianus II as the second part. These two texts do not have a shared origin. The only element shared by these texts is their provenance from the Cod. Berol. Phill. 1885, whilst their name comes from the scholar who published them for the first time, Henri de Valois. The structure of the work suggests that it is the epitome of a more extended text. König (1987: 19-28) links it to a lost biography of Constantine supposedly used by Zosimus and the Enmannsche Kaisergeschichte.
The date has been long debated. König (1987: 19-28) dates the Origo to the end of fourth century (reign of Theodosius) and argues that some elements of the text come from the Chronicle of Jerome. Since the latter work arrived in Italy in the winter of 380/1, the redaction of the Origo should postdate that point, according to König. Barnes (1989: 159-161) argues that the original text was written in the middle decades of the fourth century, soon after Constantine's death. A first version was rewritten after 417. Barnes' interpretation is now the prevailing one.
Even if den Boer (1972: 102) takes the author to be a Christian, the majority of scholars consider him to be a pagan. It is usually assumed that paragraphs 20, 29, 33-35 contain Christian interpolations taken from Orosius. Aussénac (2001) proposes by contrast that Orosius used the Origo. She also argues that the work was used by Jerome, which would provide a firm fourth-century date.
Edition - Translation:
  • E. Aussénac (2001) 'L'origo Constantini: Rétroaction et approche d'une datation'. Latomus 60: 671-676.
  • T.D. Barnes (1989) 'Jerome and the Origo Constantini Imperatoris'. Phoenix 43: 158-161.
  • W. Den Boer (1972) Some minor Roman historians. Leiden.
  • M. Festy (2005) 'Réflexions sur l'Origo Constantini imperatoris'. In: Historiae Augustae colloquium Barcinonense (Atti dei Convegni sulla Historia Augusta, 9), ed. G. Bonamente, M. Mayer. Bari: 181-193.
  • B. Leadbetter (1998) 'The illegitimacy of Constantine and the birth of the tetrarchy'. In: Constantine: History, historiography, and legend, ed. S.N.C. Lieu - D. Montserrat. London: 74-85.
  • P.L. Schmidt (1989) '§535 Origo Constantini imperatoris'. In: Restauration und Erneuerung: Die lateinische Literatur von 284 bis 374 n. Chr., ed. R. Herzog (Handbuch der lateinischen Literatur der Antike, 8.5). Munich: 195-196.
  • S.C. Zinsli (2007) 'Kaiserbilder. 2: Konstantin in der paganen Literatur. Grundzüge seiner Darstellung in heidnischen Texten von Aurelius Victor bis Zosimos'. Der altsprachliche Unterricht 50.3: 22-29.