On the office of praetorian prefect

  • On the office of praetorian prefect
  • Ἀρκαδίου de officio praefecti praetorio βιβλίον ἕν
    (Arkadiou de officio praefecti praetorio biblion hen, One book, by Arcadius, on the office of the praetorian prefect)
Period covered:
Republic-4th c.?
State of Preservation:
  • Secular history (antiquarianism)
The work may have been a history of the office of praetorian prefect or at least included elements of history. The work only treats the judicial side of the praetorian prefecture. The drastic changes to the judicial side of the praetorian prefecture enacted by Constantine and his successors made this treatise obsolete, which accounts for the fact that only its historical introduction is preserved, albeit fragmentarily, in the Digest (cf. P.L. Schmidt in Herzog 1989: 70-71).
Edition - Translation:
  • John of Lydia, On the magistracies of the Roman state 1.14.2
  • Digest 1.11.1, 22.5.1, 22.5.25, 34,2, 48.18.10
  • M. Debuisson, J. Schamp (2006) Jean le Lydien: Des magistratures de l'état romain (Collection des Universités de France). Paris.
  • R. Herzog (1989) (ed.) Restauration und Erneuerung: Die lateinische Literatur von 284 bis 374 n. Chr. (Handbuch der lateinischen Literatur der Antike, 8.5). Munich: 69-70.
  • P. Krüger, T. Mommsen (1868) Digesta Iustiniani Augusti. Berlin.
  • O. Lenel (1889) Palingenesia iuris civilis: Iuris consultorum reliquiae quae Iustiniani Digestis continentur ceteraque iuris prudentiae civilis fragmenta minora secundum auctores et libros disposuit Otto Lenel. Volume One. Leipzig: 59.
  • M. Maas (1992) John Lydus and the Roman past: Antiquarianism and politics in the age of Justinian. London.
  • P. Krüger, T. Mommsen (1868) Digesta Iustiniani Augusti. Berlin.
  • D.V. Piacente (2012) Aurelio Arcadio Carisio: Un giurista tardoantico (Biblioteca tardoantica, 7). Bari.
  • M. Debuisson, J. Schamp (2006) Jean le Lydien: Des magistratures de l'état romain (Collection des Universités de France). Paris.