Epitome of Valerius Maximus

  • Epitome of Valerius Maximus
  • Epitoma librorum Valeri Maximi
    (Epitoma librorum Valeri Maximi, Epitome of Valerius Maximus)
Period covered:
Classical Rome
State of Preservation:
  • Form (epitome)
  • Secular history (miscellany)
Nepotianus' Epitome of the exempla collection of Valerius Maximus covers only the first three books of Valerius (until 3.26). The author integrated his model with new quotations, taken from different sources (e.g. Cicero).
Since Ennodius (473-521), bishop of Pavia, mentions him, Nepotianus surely lived before him. His 'barbaric' language has been taken to suggest that he lived in the fifth or sixth century (Faranda 1971: 34).
Edition - Translation:
  • W.M. Bloomer (1992) Valerius Maximus and the rhetoric of the new nobility. London.
  • F. Buecheler (1930) Kleine Schriften. Volume Three. Leipzig.
  • G. Galdi (1922) L'epitome nella letteratura latina. Napols.
  • R. Guerrini (1981) Studi su Valerio Massimo. Pisa.
  • W. Heraeus (1900) 'Neue Beiträge zur Kritik des Valerius Maximus und des Nepotianus'. Philologus: Zeitschrift für antike Literatur und ihre Rezeption 59: 416-440.
  • P.L. Schmidt (2014) 'Ianuarius Nepotianus'. In: Brill's New Pauly.
  • P.L. Schmidt (1989) '§534.2 Ianuarius Nepotianus: Epitome librorum Valeri Maximi'. In: Restauration und Erneuerung: Die lateinische Literatur von 284 bis 374 n. Chr., ed. R. Herzog (Handbuch der lateinischen Literatur der Antike, 8.5). Munich: 194-195.
  • J. Schnetz (1904) Neue Untersuchungen zu Valerius Maximus, seinen Epitomatoren und zum Fragmentum de praenominibus. Münnerstadt.
  • D.M. Schullian (1940) 'Valerius Maximus in certain excerpts of the twelfth century'. American Journal of Philology 61: 202-206.
  • D.M. Schullian (1934) 'A new indirect tradition for the text of Valerius Maximus'. Transactions of the American Philological Association 65: 35-46.