
  • History
  • Ἱστορία
    (Historia, History)
Period covered:
State of Preservation:
  • Secular history (classicizing history)
  • Secular history (general)
Menander explicitly states that he is the continuator of Agathias. His narrative halts at the end of Tiberius' reign but it is possible that he intended to continue into the reign of Maurice (Baldwin 1978: 106).
Edition - Translation:
  • B. Baldwin (1978) 'Menander Protector'. Dumbarton Oaks Papers 32: 101-125.
  • B. Bleckmann (2021) Die letzte Generation der griechischen Geschichtsschreiber: Studien zur Historiographie im ausgehenden 6. Jahrhundert. Stuttgart.
  • M.R. Cataudella (2003) 'Historiography in the East'. In: Greek and Roman historiography in Late Antiquity: Fourth to sixth century A.D., ed. G. Marasco. Leiden - Boston: 391-447.
  • L.R. Cresci (1981) 'Teoria e prassi nello stile e nella storiografia di Menandro Protettore'. Koinonia 5: 63-96.
  • V. Grecu (1941) 'Menander Protiktor und der persische Gesandschaftsbericht Petros Patrikios'. Académie Roumaine: Bulletin de la section historique 22: 78-84.
  • W.T. Treadgold (2010) The early Byzantine historians. Basingstoke.
  • Z.V. Udal'cova (1970) 'Mirovozzrenie vizantijskogo istorika Menandra Protiktora'. Starinar 20: 377-381.
  • V. Valdenberg (1935) 'Le idee politiche di Procopio di Gaza e di Menandro Protettore'. Studi Bizantini 4: 65-85.
  • V. Valdenberg (1979) 'Über das Werk des Menandros Protektor als eine Quelle der geschichte Mittelasiens'. In: Prolegomena to the sources for the history of pre-Islamic Central Asia, ed. J. Harmatta. Budapest: 61-70.
  • O. Veh (1955) Beiträge zu Menander Protektor. Bayern.