Epitome de Caesaribus

  • Epitome de Caesaribus
  • Libellus de vita et moribus imperatorum breviatus ex libris Sexti Aurelii Victoris a Caesare Augusto usque ad Theodosium
    (Libellus de vita et moribus imperatorum breviatus ex libris Sexti Aurelii Victoris a Caesare Augusto usque ad Theodosium, Small book on the life and the habits of the emperors, abridgement of Sextus Aurelius Victor’s books, from Caesar Augustus to Theodosius)
Period covered:
Augustus-Theodosius the Great
State of Preservation:
  • Secular history (breviarium)
The work was part of the Corpus Aurelianum, on which see the entry for Anonymous, Origins of the Roman people. The title of the work presents it as an epitome of Aurelius Victor. Yet, the historian is just one of the sources of the Breviarium (Festy 2002: xii-xxviii). It is probable that the title orginally included the name of the other sources too but was later abridged (Festy 2002: viii-xii).Stover and Woudhuysen 2021 argue that the Epitome used Jordanes and hence dates to the late sixth century at the earliest.
Edition - Translation:
  • B. Baldwin (1993) 'The Epitome de Caesaribus, from Augustus to Domitian'. Quaderni Urbinati di cultura classica 43: 81-101.
  • T.D. Barnes (1976) 'The Epitome de Caesaribus and its sources'. Classical Philology 71: 258-268.
  • A. Berger, J. Fontaine, P.L. Schmidt (2020) Handbuch der Lateinischen Literatur. Sechster Band: Die Literatur im Zeitalter des Theodosius. Erster Teil: Fachprosa, Dichtung, Kunstprosa. Munich: 594-598.
  • S. D'Elia (1968) 'Quos Epitomes de Caesaribus libros Paulus Diaconus et Landolfus Sagax adhibuerint'. Rendiconti dell'Accademia di Archeologia, Lettere ed Arti di Napoli 43: 19-62.
  • J.)L. Gauville (2015) Abbreviated histories. The case of the Epitome de Caesaribus (AD c. 395). Diss. McGill University.
  • J.A. Schlumberger (1976) 'Die Epitome de Caesaribus und die Historia Augusta'. In: Bonner Historia-Augusta-Colloquium 1972-1974, ed. G. Alföldy - J. Straub (Antiquitas, 4). Bonn: 201-219.
  • J.A. Schlumberger (1974) Die Epitome de Caesaribus: Untersuchungen zur heidnischen Geschichtsschreibung des 4. Jahrhunderts n. Chr. (Vestigia, 18). Munich.
  • J. Stover, G. Woudhuysen (2021) 'Jordanes and the date of the Epitome de Caesaribus'. Histos 15: 150-188.