Ecumenical history

  • Ecumenical history
  • Οἰκουμενικὴ ἱστορία
    (Oikoumenikē historia, Universal history)
  • Ἱστορίαι
    (Historiae, Histories)
Period covered:
State of Preservation:
  • Secular history (classicizing history)
  • Secular history (general)
Olajos (1981) suggested that the Dialogue between Philosophy and History, which stands at the head of the Ecumenical history, was not an integral part of Theophylact's historical work. Schreiner (2009) also supported that the Dialogue was not composed with the rest of the work, and Speck (1993) argued that the Dialogue was possibly compiled earlier than the main text of the Ecumenical history.
Edition - Translation:
  • G. Wirth (1972) Theophylacti Simocattae Historiae. Stuttgart.
  • M. Whitby, M. Whitby (1986) The History of Theophylact Simocatta. Oxford.
  • P. Schreiner (1985) Theophylactus Simocatta: Geschichte. Stuttgart.
  • S.P. Kondratyev (1957) (tr.) Феофилакт Симокатта: История (Памятники средневековой истории народов Центральной и Восточной Европы). Moscow.
  • J.D. Frendo (1988) 'Theophylact Simocatta on the revolt of Bahram Chobin and the Early Career of Khustrau II'. Bullletin of the Asia Institute 3: 77-88.
  • G. Moravcsik (1958) Byzantinoturcica: Die byzantinischen Quellen der Geschichte der Türkvölker. Berlin: 544-548.
  • L. Neville (2018) Guide to Byzantine historical writing. Cambridge.
  • T. Olajos (1981) 'Contributions à une analyse de la genèse de l'Histoire universelle de Théophylacte Simocatta'. Acta antiqua Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 29: 417-424.
  • T. Olajos (1979) 'Remarques sur la tradition manuscrite de l'Histoire universelle de Théophylacte Simocatta'. Revue d'histoire des textes 9: 261-266.
  • P. Schreiner (2009) 'Photios und Theophylaktos Simokates: Das Problem des 'Inhaltsverzeichnisses' im Geschichtswerk'. Byzantinische Kultur 2.3: 391-398.
  • P. Speck (1993) 'Eine Gedächtnisfeier am Grabe des Maurikios: Die Historiai des Theophylaktos Simokates. Der Auftrag, die Fertigstellung, der Grundgedanke'. In: Varia IV, ed. S. Kotzabassi - P. Speck (Poikila Byzantina, 12). Bonn: 175-254.
  • W.T. Treadgold (2007) The early Byzantine historians. New York: 329-340.
  • M. Whitby (1988) The emperor Maurice and his historian Theophylact Simocatta on Persian and Balkan warfare. Oxford.