Account of the Trojan war

  • Account of the Trojan war
  • Ἐφημερίδα
    (Ephēmerida, Diary)
Period covered:
Trojan war
State of Preservation:
  • Secular history (general)
  • Novel
Dictys' work survives fully in a Latin version attributed to a certain Septimus, and in fragments in John Malalas and on papyrus. Malalas' version of Dictys' text differs from Septimus' (Jeffreys 2000: 177, 242).
Edition - Translation:
  • FGrHist 49
  • W. Eisenhut (1973) Dictys Cretensis: Bellum Troianum (Bibliotheca scriptorum Graecorum et Romanorum Teubneriana). Leipzig.
  • BNJ 49
  • Al. Cameron (2004) Greek mythography in the Roman world. Oxford.
  • T. Gantz (1993) Early Greek myth: A guide to literary and artistic sources. Baltimore.
  • W. Greif (1900) Neue Untersuchungen zur Dictys- und Daresfrage. Berlin.
  • N.E. Griffin (1907) Dares and Dictys: An introduction to the study of the medieval version of the story of Troy. Baltimore: 60-81.
  • E. Jeffreys (1990) 'Malalas' sources'. In: Studies in John Malalas, ed. E. Jeffreys - B. Croke - R. Scott. Sydney: 167-216.
  • S. Merkle (1989) Die Ephemeris belli Troiani des Diktys von Kreta. Frankfurt.
  • S. Merkle (1996) 'The truth and nothing but the truth: Dictys and Dares'. In: The novel in the ancient world, ed. G. Schmeling. Leiden: 563-580.
  • F. Noack (1891-1893) 'Der griechische Dictys'. Philologus, Supplement 6: 403-500.
  • A. Peristerakis (1984) Δίκτυς ὁ Κρής. Athens.
  • I. Thurn (2000) Ioannis Malalae Chronographia (Corpus fontium historiae Byzantinae: Series Berolinensis, 35). Berlin.