
  • Wars
  • Ὑπέρ τῶν πολέμων λόγοι
    (Huper tōn polemōn logoi, Books on the Wars)
  • Bella
  • De bellis
Period covered:
State of Preservation:
  • Secular history (classicizing history)
  • Secular history (general)
The first two books deal with the wars against the Persians. The next two books deal with the wars against the Vandals, and the last three books are concerned with the wars against the Goths. The eighth book updated the narrative until 553.
Edition - Translation:
  • J. Haury, G. Wirth (1963) Procopii Caesariensis opera omnia. Three Volumes (Bibliotheca scriptorum Graecorum et Romanorum Teubneriana). Leipzig.
  • H.B. Dewing, G. Downey (1914-40) (ed.) Procopius. (The Loeb Classical Library) Eight Volumes. London.
  • O. Veh (1961-1971) Prokopios: Werke. Four Volumes. Munich.
  • H.B. Dewing, A. Kaldellis (2014) Procopius: The wars of Justinian. Indianapolis.
  • L.A. García Moreno, J.A. Flores Rubio (2000-2007) Procopio de Cesarea: Histora de las gueras. Four Volumes. Madrid.
  • D. Roques, J. Auberger (2015) Procope de Césarée: Histoire des Goths. Paris.
  • D. Roques (1990) Procope de Césarée, La guerre contre les Vandales: Guerres de Justinien, livres III et IV. Paris.
  • A.A. Čekalova (1993) (tr.) Прокопий Кесарийский. Война с персами. Война с вандалами. Тайная история (Памятники исторической мысли). Moscow.
  • Av. Cameron (1985) Procopius and the sixth century. Berkeley.
  • M.R. Cataudella (2003) 'Historiography in the East'. In: Greek and Roman historiography in Late Antiquity: Fourth to sixth century A.D., ed. G. Marasco. Leiden - Boston: 391-447.
  • G. Greatrex (1994) 'The dates of Procopius' works'. Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies 18: 101-114.
  • G. Greatrex (2003) 'Recent work on Procopius and the composition of Wars VIII'. Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies 27: 45-67.
  • G. Greatrex (2014) 'Perceptions of Procopius in recent scholarship'. Histos 8: 76-121.
  • G. Greatrex, S. Janniard, J. King (2018) (eds.) Le monde de Procope. Paris.
  • G. Greatrex, S. Janniard, J. King (2018) (eds.) Le monde de Procope. Paris.
  • A. Kaldellis (2004) Procopius of Caesarea: Tyranny, history and philosophy at the end of Antiquity. Philadelphia.
  • G. Greatrex, S. Janniard, J. King (2018) (eds.) Le monde de Procope. Paris.
  • C. Lillington-Martin, E. Turquois (2018) Procopius of Caesarea: Literary and historical interpretations. London.
  • G. Moravcsik (1958) Byzantinoturcica: Die byzantinischen Quellen der Geschichte der Türkvölker. Berlin: 490-491.
  • B. Rubin (1954) Prokopios von Kaisareia. Stuttgart.