
  • Chronicle
Period covered:
Creation-12th c.
State of Preservation:
  • Chronicle (general)
Maribas is referred to as source of Michael the Great's Chronicle in a Syriac note to the Arabic translation included in the manuscript London, British Library, Oriental 4402 (Chabot 1899: 479). A chronicle assigned to Maribas is included in ms. Leeds, Leeds University Library, Syr. 7 and Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, Syr. 306 but it depends in fact on the account of Michael the Great. Consequently, it is a later pseudepigraph. The name may be derived from the mentions of Mar Abas Catina in Moses of Khoren.
Edition - Translation:
  • F. Macler (1903) 'Extraits de la Chronique de Maribas Kaldoyo (Mar Abas Katina [?]): Essai de critique historico-littéraire'. Journal asiatique 10.1: 491-549.
  • J.-B. Chabot (1899) 'La Chronique de Michel le Syrien: Note de M. l'Abbé J.B. Chabot'. Comptes rendus de l'Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres 43: 476-484.
  • J.-B. Chabot (1905) 'La prétendue Chronique de Maribas le Chaldéen'. Journal asiatique 10.5: 251-264.
  • H.R. Marr (1902) '“Арабское извлеченiе изъ сирiйской хроники Марибаса: Къ вопросу объ Исторiи Моисея Хоренскаго'. Записки Восточнаго Отдѣленiя Императорскаго Русскаго Археологическаго Общества 14: 78-91.
  • P. Vetter (1893) 'Das Buch des Mar Abas von Nisibis'. In: Festgruss an Rudolf von Roth zum Doctor-Jubiläum 24. August 1893 von seinen Freunden und Schülern, ed. E. Kühn. Stuttgart: 81-88.