On temples

  • On temples
  • Τεμενικά
    (Temenika, On temples)
Period covered:
Distant past of Egypt?
State of Preservation:
  • Secular history (antiquarianism)
While mentioning the activity of the grammarian Horapollon, the Suda reports that he lived under the reign of Theodosius (ω 159). Since it does not clarify which Theodosius is meant, opinions of scholars vary: following Jacoby, Cameron (1965: 488) dates him to the reign of Theodosius I, whereas Maspero (1914: 176), Rémondon (1952: 64), Caprara (1998: 20-23), and Masson (1992: 231-235) think of Theodosius II.
The grammarian may be the same author who wrote a Patria of Alexandria (Photius Codex 279; Caprara 1998: 8, 22-23; Janiszewski 2006: 321-322), which we describe under Horapollon the Younger.
Edition - Translation:
  • Al. Cameron (1965) 'Wandering poets: A literary movement in Byzantine Egypt'. Historia 14: 470-509.
  • M. Caprara (1998) '‘Ὡραπόλλων φιλόσοφος e la σχολή di Alessandria alla fine del V secolo'. Papiri filosofici: Miscellanea di studi 2: 7-32.
  • P. Janiszewski (2006) The missing link: Greek pagan historiography in the second half of the third century and in the fourth century A.D. Warsaw: 315-324.
  • F.W. Jenkins BNJ 630 T1
  • R.A. Kaster (1988) Guardians of language: The grammarian and society in Late Antiquity. Berkeley: 294-297.
  • J. Maspero (1914) 'Horapollon et la fin du paganisme égyptien'. Bulletin de l'Institut Français d'Archéologie Orientale du Caire 2: 163-195.
  • O. Masson (1992) 'A propos d'Horapollon, l'auteur des Hieroglyphica'. Revue des études grecques 105: 231-235.
  • R. Rémondon (1952) 'L'Égypte et la suprême résistance au christianisme (Ve-VIIe siècles)'. Bulletin de l'Institut Français d'Archéologie Orientale 51: 63-78.