On heresies

  • On heresies
  • Κεφάλαιον ἐν ᾧ κατ’ἐπιτομὴν διὰ βραχέων περ τῶν ἐξ ἀρχῆς αἱρέσεων, καὶ τῶν συνόδων τῶν γενομένων κατ’αὐτῶν
    (Kephalaion en hōi kat’epitomēn dia bracheōn peri tōn ex archēs haireseōn, kai tōn sunodōn tōn genomenōn kat’autōn, Chapter in which the heresies from the beginning, and the synods that were held with regard to them, are dealt with in summary and briefly.)
Period covered:
1st c.-687
State of Preservation:
  • Council synopsis
Despite the title, the work is a council synopsis. The text is ascribed in the manuscript to Anastasius of Sinai, but Uthemann (1982: 58-73) argues against this identification, suggesting that the text is likely to be a multilayered composition rather than a homogeneous one, and that the author of its main body was probably a contemporary of Anastasius, but not Anastasius himself.
Edition - Translation:
  • K.-H. Uthemann (1982) 'Die dem Anastasius Sinaita zugeschrieben Synopsis de haeresibus et synodis'. Annuarium historiae conciliorum 14: 58-94.
  • F. Diekamp (1899) Die origenistischen Streitigkeiten im sechsten Jahrhundert und das fünfte allgemeine Concil. Münster.
  • J. Haldon (1992) 'The works of Anastasius of Sinai: A key source for the history of seventh-century East Mediterranean society and belief'. In: The Byzantine and early Islamic Near East. Volume One: Problems in the literary source material, ed. A. Cameron - L. Conrad. Princeton: 107-147.
  • C. Kuehn (2010) 'Anastasius of Sinai: Biblical scholar'. Byzantinische Zeitschrift 103: 55-80.
  • I.A. Munitiz (1974) 'Synoptic Greek accounts of the seventh council'. Revue des études byzantines 32: 147-186.
  • J.B. Pitra (1868) Juris ecclesiastici Graecorum historia et monumenta. Volume Two. Rome: 257-271.
  • H.J. Sieben (1979) Die Konzilsidee der alten Kirche. Paderborn: 344-387.
  • K.-H. Uthemann (2006) 'Anastasius the Sinaite'. In: Patrology: The Eastern Fathers from the Council of Chalcedon (451) to John of Damascus, ed. A. Di Berardino. Cambridge: 313-316.
  • K.-H. Uthemann (2015) Anastasios Sinaites: Byzantinisches Christentum in den ersten Jahrzehnten unter arabischer Herrschaft (Arbeiten zur Kirchengeschichte, 125). Berlin: 779-781.