
  • Chronicle
Period covered:
Creation-author's time?
State of Preservation:
  • Chronicle (chronica)
Timothy is cited with Clement and Theophilus as authorities supporting a crucifixion date of AM 6000. He relied on Orphic and Hermetic/Gnostic texts (Jeffreys 2000: 216) and was particularly interested in the pagan foreshadowing of Christ. (Scott 2000: 45). He seems to have made use of the Antiochene city chronicle which began in the time of Caesar (Jeffreys 2000: 205; Freund 1882: 17).
Edition - Translation:
  • P. Van Nuffelen, L. Van Hoof (forthcoming) The fragmentary Greek chronicles after Eusebius: Edition, translation and commentary. Cambridge.
  • Laterculus Malalalianus 1, 4
  • John Malalas, Chronicle 1.3, 4.7, 6.11, 6.13, 10.2, 10.5, 18.8 [Thurn, 2000: 5, 55, 122, 123, 173, 174, 176, 357, 358]
  • P.H. Bourier (1899) Über die Quellen der ersten vierzehn Bücher des Johannes Malalas. Augsburg.
  • L. Dindorf (1831) Ioannis Malalae Chronographia. Bonn.
  • H. Erbse (1941) Fragmente griechischer Theosophien. Hamburg.
  • A. Freund (1882) Beiträge zur Antiochenischen und zur Konstantinopolitanischen Stadtchronik. Jena.
  • E. Jeffreys (1990) 'Malalas' sources'. In: Studies in John Malalas, ed. E. Jeffreys - B. Croke - R. Scott. Sydney: 167-216.
  • L. Robert (1968) 'Trois oracles de la Théosophie et un prophète d'Apollon'. Comptes rendus de l'Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres 112.4: 597-620.
  • R. Scott (1990) 'The Byzantine chronicle after Malalas'. In: Studies in John Malalas, ed. E. Jeffreys - B. Croke - R. Scott. Sydney: 38-54.
  • J. Stevenson (1995) The 'Laterculus Malalianus' and the school of archbishop Theodore (Cambridge studies in Anglo-Saxon England). Cambridge.
  • I. Thurn (2000) Ioannis Malalae Chronographia (Corpus fontium historiae Byzantinae: Series Berolinensis, 35). Berlin.
  • P. Van Nuffelen (2017) 'Malalas and the chronographic tradition'. In: Die Weltchronik des Johannes Malalas: Quellenfragen, ed. L. Carrara - M. Meier - C. Radtki. Stuttgart: 261-272.