
  • History
  • Ἱστορία Βυζαντιακὴ καὶ τὰ κατὰ Ἀττήλαν ἐν βιβλίοις ὀχτώ
    (Historia Buzantiakē kai ta kata Attēlan en bibliois ochtō, Byzantine history and events under Attila in 8 books)
  • Ἱστορία
    (Historia, History)
  • Ἱστορία γοθική
    (Historia gothikē, Gothic history)
Period covered:
Ca. 434-474
State of Preservation:
  • Secular history (classicizing history)
  • Secular history (general)
Edition - Translation:
  • R. Blockley (1983) The fragmentary classicising historians of the later Roman Empire: Eunapius, Olympiodorus, Priscus and Malchus. Volume Two: Text, translation and historiographical notes. Liverpool: 222-377.
  • F. Bornmann (1979) (ed.) Prisci Panitae Fragmenta. Florence.
  • P. Carolla (2008) (ed.) Priscus Panita: Excerpta et fragmenta. Berlin.
  • K.-O. Müller (1851) Fragmenta Historicorum Graecorum (FHG). Volume Four. Paris: 70-110.
  • J. Given (2014) The fragmentary History of Priscus: Attila, the Huns and the Roman Empire, A.D. 430-476. Merchantville.
  • G.S. Destunis (1861) (tr.) 'Сказанiя Приска Панiйскаго'. Ученыя записки Втораго отдѣленiя Императорской Академiи Наукъ 7: 1-112.
  • B. Baldwin (1980) 'Priscus of Panium'. Byzantion 50: 18-61.
  • R. Benedicty (1964) 'Die historische Autentizität eines Berichtes des Priskos: Zur frage der historiographische Novellisierung in der frühbyzantinischen Geschichtsliteratur'. Jahrbuch der österreichischen byzantinischen Gesellschaft 13: 1-8.
  • R. Blockley (1972) 'Dexippus and Priscus and the Thucydidean account of the siege of Plataea'. Phoenix 26: 18-27.
  • R. Blockley (1981) The fragmentary classicising historians of the later Roman Empire: Eunapius, Olympiodorus, Priscus and Malchus. Volume One. Liverpool: 48-70, 113-123.
  • F. Bornmann (1974) 'Osservazioni sul testo dei frammenti di Prisco'. Maia 26: 111-120.
  • D. Brodka (2012) 'Priskos von Panion und Kaiser Marcian: Eine Quellenuntersuchung zu Procop. 3,4,1-11, Evagr. HE 2,1, Theoph. AM 5943 und Nic. Kall. HE 15,1'. Millennium 9: 145-162.
  • D. Brodka (2014) 'Priskos und der Feldzug des Basiliskos gegen Geiserich (468)'. In: Griechische Profanhistoriker des fünften nachchristlichen Jahrhunderts, ed. B. Bleckmann - T. Stickler. Stuttgart: 103-120.
  • W. Ensslin (1926-1927) 'Maximinus und sein Begleiter, der Historiker Priskos'. Byzantinisch-neugriechische Jahrbücher 5: 1-9.
  • C.D. Gordon (1964) 'Fifth century chronology of in the fragments of Priscus'. New Review 4: 2-3.
  • C.D. Gordon (1966) The age of Attila: Fifth-century Byzantium and the barbarians. Ann Arbor.
  • J. Kurank (1958) De Prisco Panita rerum scriptore quaestiones selectae. Lublin.
  • E.V. Maltese (1979) 'A proposito dell' opera storica di Prisco di Panion'. Quaderni di Storia 9: 297-320.
  • E.V. Maltese (1977) 'Note ed osservazioni sul testo di Prisco di Panion'. Helikon 17: 263-279.
  • C. Mango, R. Scott (1997) The Chronicle of Theophanes Confessor: Byzantine and Near Eastern history A.D. 284-813. Oxford.
  • G. Moravcsik (1958) Byzantinoturcica: Die byzantinischen Quellen der Geschichte der Türkvölker. Berlin: 479-488.
  • P. Rance (2015) 'A Roman-Lazi war in the Suda: a fragment of Priscus?'. The Classical Quarterly 65: 852-867.
  • D. Romano (1947) 'Due storici di Attila, il greco Prisco e il goto Jordanes'. Antiquitas 2: 65-71.
  • C. Mango, R. Scott (1997) The Chronicle of Theophanes Confessor: Byzantine and Near Eastern history A.D. 284-813. Oxford.
  • E.A. Thompson (1948) A history of Attila and the Huns. Oxford.
  • E.A. Thompson (1945) 'Priscus of Panium: Fragment 1b'. The Classical Quarterly 39.3-4: 92-94.