On various questions

  • On various questions
  • Περὶ ποικίλων ζητημάτων
    (Peri poikilōn zētēmatōn, On various questions)
Period covered:
The whole Roman history?
State of Preservation:
  • Secular history (miscellany)
The relationship between the author of On various questions and the historian Serenus Sammonicus (see Champlin 1981: 189-202) is unclear. As Serenus lived under the Severi, he cannot be identical with this Sammonicus: for discussion, see Schamp - Dubuisson (2006: clxxvi-clxxvii).
Edition - Translation:
  • John of Lydia, On the magistracies of the Roman state 3.32
  • A.C. Bandy (1983) Ioannes Lydus, On powers or the magistracies of the Roman state (The American Philosophical Society: Memoirs Series, 149). Philadelphia.
  • H. Bardon (1956) La littérature latine inconnue: L'époque impériale. Paris: 262.
  • G. Bowersock (1969) Greek sophists in the Roman Empire. Oxford.
  • E. Champlin (1981) 'Serenus Sammonicus'. Harvard Studies in Classical Philology 85: 189-212.
  • K. Sallmann (1997) Die Literatur des Umbruchs: Von der römischen zur christlichen Literatur 117 bis 284 n. Chr. (Handbuch der Altertumswissenschaft: Geschichte der römischen Literatur, 8). Munich.
  • J. Schamp, M. Dubuisson (2006) Jean le Lydien: Des magistratures de l'état romain. Volume One, Part One: Introduction générale (Collection des Universités de France). Paris.
  • J. Schamp (2006) Jean le Lydien: Des magistratures de l'état romain. Volume Two: Livres II et III (Collection des Universités de France). Paris: 82-85.
  • R. Wünsch (1903) Ioannis Lydi De magistratibus populi Romani libri tres (Bibliotheca scriptorum Graecorum et Romanorum Teubneriana). Leipzig: 120-121.