Authors sort by name sort by date Browse by Work 724 authors found.AaronDate: 884/885-1018Works: HistoryAbasDate: 2nd-4th c.Works: Historical commentariesAbbot of the Great MonasteryDate: 8th c.Works: HistoryAbbots of the monastery of GlakDate: Ca. 300-537Works: History of the SyriansAblabiusDate: 3rd-6th c.Works: HistoryAbu Zakariya Denkha the ChristianDate: 10th c.Works: HistoryAgapius of MabbugDate: 10th c.Works: HistoryAgathangelus (Armenian)Date: 5th c.Works: History of the ArmeniansAgathangelus (Greek)Date: 6th-8th c.Works: History of the ArmeniansAgathias ScholasticusDate: Ca. 532-580Works: HistoriesPatria of MyrinaAgnellusDate: First half of 9th c.Works: Book of pontiffsAhaiDate: Died 415/416Works: Acts of martyrsAlaha ZekhaDate: Ca. 600Works: Ecclesiastical historyAlethius, Latinus AlcimusDate: 4th c.Works: Panegyric of JulianPanegyric of Sallust Alexander, SulpiciusDate: Late 4th c.Works: HistoryAmmianus MarcellinusDate: Ca. 330-400Works: HistoryAmmonius the MonkDate: 4th-6th c.Works: NarrationAmmonius the PoetDate: Early 5th c.Works: On GainasAmpelius, LuciusDate: 4th c.Works: Liber memorialisAnastasius of SinaiDate: Died after 700Works: On heresiesEdifying talesTales of the Sinai fathersAnastasius the CompilerDate: Middle of 8th c.?Works: HistoryAnastasius the LibrarianDate: Ca. 815-878Works: Tripartite chronographyAncyrianusDate: 5th c.?Works: DecalogueAndreas, brother of MagnusDate: Middle of 4th c.Works: ChronographyTreatise on the feast of unleavened breadAndronicusDate: 6th c.Works: ChronicleBookNote of Andronicus the philosopher on the peoples that do not know GodOn the twelve signs of the zodiacDescription of the borders of the worldAngeleuasDate: Before 11th c.Works: HistoryAnnianusDate: Ca. 400Works: ChronicleAnonymous (Abridged ecclesiastical history)Date: 10th-early 11th c.Works: Abridged ecclesiastical historyAnonymous (Account of Armenian affairs)Date: 7th-8th c.Works: Account of Armenian affairsAnonymous (Account of Roman emperors from Valentinian I to Honorius)Date: After 425Works: Account of Roman emperors from Valentinian I to HonoriusAnonymous (Account of the council of Nicaea)Date: 4th c.Works: Account of the council of NicaeaAnonymous (Account on Zilgibis)Date: 6th c.?Works: Account on ZilgibisAnonymous (Addition to Chronograph of 354)Date: First half of 4th c.Works: Addition to Chronograph of 354Anonymous (Annals of Angers)Date: Second half of 5th c.Works: Annals of AngersAnonymous (Annals of Lindisfarne and Kent)Date: 9th c.Works: Annals of Lindisfarne and KentAnonymous (Annals of Lorsch)Date: Second half of 8th-early 9th c.Works: Annals of LorschAnonymous (Annals of the Romans)Date: Before 828Works: Annals of the RomansAnonymous (Annals of the Saxons)Date: Late 8th-early 9th c.Works: Annals of the SaxonsAnonymous (Annals of the Scots)Date: Before 828Works: Annals of the ScotsAnonymous (Armenian history)Date: 7th c.Works: Armenian historyAnonymous (Armenian translation of the Chronicle of Eusebius)Date: 5th.-6th c.Works: Armenian translation of the Chronicle of EusebiusAnonymous (Beneševic synopsis)Date: After 787Works: Beneševic synopsisAnonymous (Blemmyomachia)Date: Late 4th-early 5th c.Works: BlemmyomachiaAnonymous (Book of chronicles)Date: Middle of 7th c.Works: Book of chroniclesAnonymous (Book of kings)Date: 6th c.Works: Book of kingsAnonymous (Book of pontiffs)Date: 6th c.Works: Book of pontiffsAnonymous (Book of pontiffs, Laurentian fragment)Date: After 555Works: Book of pontiffs, Laurentian fragmentAnonymous (Book of Sothis)Date: Before ca. 400Works: Book of SothisAnonymous (Book of the consuls)Date: 5th c.?Works: Book of the consulsAnonymous (Book of the Greeks)Date: 300 B.C.-800 A.D.Works: Book of the GreeksAnonymous (Book of the Himyarites)Date: 6th-early 10th c.Works: Book of the HimyaritesAnonymous (Book of the history of the Franks)Date: Active ca. 727Works: Book of the history of the FranksAnonymous (Books of the elders)Date: Before 828Works: Books of the eldersAnonymous (Brandes synopsis)Date: Second half of 9th c.Works: Brandes synopsisAnonymous (Breviarium Vindobonense)Date: First half of 4th c.Works: Breviarium VindobonenseAnonymous (Calculation of the Chronicle of Eusebius)Date: 4th c. or laterWorks: Calculation of the Chronicle of EusebiusAnonymous (Calculation of the duration of the world)Date: 4th c. or laterWorks: Calculation of the duration of the worldAnonymous (Carthaginian epitome of Prosper)Date: Middle of 5th-6th c.Works: Carthaginian epitome of ProsperAnonymous (Cave of Treasures)Date: Middle of the 6th-early 7th c.Works: Cave of treasuresAnonymous (Chronicle of 1234)Date: 13th c.Works: Chronicle of 1234Anonymous (Chronicle of 378)Date: After 378Works: Chronicle of 378Anonymous (Chronicle of 422)Date: Middle of 5th c.Works: Chronicle of 422Anonymous (Chronicle of 452)Date: 5th c.Works: Chronicle of 452Anonymous (Chronicle of 474)Date: End of 5th-6th c.Works: Chronicle of 474Anonymous (Chronicle of 499)Date: Early 6th c.Works: Chronicle of 499Anonymous (Chronicle of 511)Date: Early 6th c.Works: Chronicle of 511Anonymous (Chronicle of 565)Date: Ca. 750-850Works: Chronicle of 565Anonymous (Chronicle of 720)Date: 8th c.?Works: Chronicle of 720Anonymous (Chronicle of 741)Date: After 741Works: Chronicle of 741Anonymous (Chronicle of 754)Date: After 754Works: Chronicle of 754Anonymous (Chronicle of 813)Date: After 813Works: Chronicle of 813Anonymous (Chronicle of 819)Date: 8th-9th c.Works: Chronicle of 819Anonymous (Chronicle of 846)Date: After 846Works: Chronicle of 846Anonymous (Chronicle of Arbela)Date: 9th-10th c.?Works: Chronicle of ArbelaAnonymous (Chronicle of Edessa)Date: 6th c.Works: Chronicle of EdessaAnonymous (Chronicle of Ireland)Date: 10th c.Works: Chronicle of IrelandAnonymous (Chronicle of Khuzistan)Date: 7th c.Works: Chronicle of KhuzistanAnonymous (Chronicle of Seert)Date: 10th-early 11 th c.Works: Chronicle of SeertAnonymous (Chronicle of Zuqnin)Date: 8th c.Works: Chronicle of ZuqninAnonymous (Chronicle used by Jordanes and the Continuation of Marcellinus Comes)Date: Middle of 6th c.Works: Chronicle used by Jordanes and the Continuation of Marcellinus ComesAnonymous (Chronographia Golenischevensis)Date: 6th c.Works: Chronographia GolenischevensisAnonymous (Chronographia Scaligeriana)Date: Early 6th c.Works: Chronographia ScaligerianaAnonymous (Chronographic notices to paschal table of Dionysius)Date: First half of 8th c.Works: Chronographic notices to paschal table of DionysiusAnonymous (Chronological notices from Adam to Tiberius II)Date: Active after 574Works: Chronological notices from Adam to Tiberius IIAnonymous (Chronology of the Catholicoi)Date: 10th c.Works: Chronology of the CatholicoiAnonymous (Civil war between Caesar and Pompey)Date: After 1st c.Works: Civil war between Caesar and PompeyAnonymous (Cologne Mani codex)Date: 4th c.Works: Cologne Mani codexAnonymous (Cononian epitome of the Book of pontiffs)Date: 7th-8th c.Works: Cononian epitome of the Book of pontiffsAnonymous (Consularia Berolinensia)Date: 338-early 6th c.Works: Consularia BerolinensiaAnonymous (Consularia Caesaraugustana)Date: Second half of 6th c.Works: Consularia CaesaraugustanaAnonymous (Consularia Constantinopolitana)Date: Middle of 4th-late 5th c.Works: Consularia ConstantinopolitanaAnonymous (Consularia from 388 to 439)Date: Ca. 439Works: Consularia from 388 to 439Anonymous (Consularia Golenischevensia)Date: 6th c.Works: Consularia GolenischevensiaAnonymous (Consularia Havniensia)Date: Early 6th c.Works: Consularia HavniensiaAnonymous (Consularia Italica)Date: 5th c.Works: Consularia ItalicaAnonymous (Consularia Marsiburgensia)Date: After 454 (5th-6th c.)Works: Consularia MarsiburgensiaAnonymous (Consularia Scaligeriana)Date: After 387Works: Consularia ScaligerianaAnonymous (Consularia Vindobonensia posteriora)Date: After 539Works: Consularia Vindobonensia posterioraAnonymous (Consularia Vindobonensia priora)Date: After 493Works: Consularia Vindobonensia prioraAnonymous (Continuatio Alcobaciensis of Prosper)Date: Middle of 5th c.Works: Continuatio Alcobaciensis of ProsperAnonymous (Continuatio Antiochiensis Eusebii)Date: 4th c., after 350Works: Continuatio Antiochiensis EusebiiAnonymous (Continuatio Havniensis of Prosper)Date: Early 7th c.Works: Continuatio Havniensis of ProsperAnonymous (Continuatio Matritensis of Prosper)Date: Middle of 5th c.Works: Continuatio Matritensis of ProsperAnonymous (Continuatio Ovetensis of Prosper)Date: Middle of 5th c.Works: Continuatio Ovetensis of ProsperAnonymous (Continuatio Reichenauensis of Prosper)Date: 5th c.Works: Continuatio Reichenauensis of ProsperAnonymous (Continuatio Vaticana of Prosper)Date: 5th-6th c.Works: Continuatio Vaticana of ProsperAnonymous (Continuation of Bede)Date: Middle of 8th c.Works: Continuation of BedeAnonymous (Continuation of Eusebius until 607)Date: Early 7th c.?Works: Continuation of Eusebius until 607Anonymous (Continuation of Marcellinus Comes)Date: Middle of 6th c.Works: Continuation of Marcellinus ComesAnonymous (Conversion of K‛art‛li [compilation])Date: 9th-10th c.Works: Conversion of K‘art‘li (compilation)Anonymous (Conversion of K‛art‛li)Date: 7th c.Works: Conversion of K‛art‛liAnonymous (Conversion of the Armenians)Date: 5th c.?Works: Conversion of the ArmeniansAnonymous (Conversion of the Greeks)Date: Before 800Works: Conversion of the GreeksAnonymous (Council synopsis used by George the monk)Date: 553-ca. 850Works: Council synopsis used by George the MonkAnonymous (Deeds concerning Acacius)Date: Late 5th-early 6th c.Works: Deeds concerning AcaciusAnonymous (Deeds of Ardashir)Date: 3rd-6th c.Works: Deeds of ArdsahirAnonymous (Deeds of the Maccabees)Date: ca. 450-499Works: Deeds of the MaccabeesAnonymous (Deeds of Theodoric)Date: 7th c.Works: Deeds of TheodericAnonymous (Devastation of Jerusalem)Date: 4th-5th c.Works: Devastation of JerusalemAnonymous (Documentum Nestorianum)Date: After middle of 5th c.Works: Documentum NestorianumAnonymous (Ecclesiastical history in Coptic)Date: Second half of 5th c.Works: Ecclesiastical history in CopticAnonymous (Ecclesiastical history used by John of Damascus)Date: Second half of 5th-7th c.Works: Ecclesiastical history used by John of DamascusAnonymous (Ecclesiastical history used by Liberatus)Date: Late 5th-early 6th c.Works: Ecclesiastical history used by LiberatusAnonymous (Ecclesiastical history [Long Socrates])Date: 5th.-7th c.Works: Ecclesiastical history (Long Socrates)Anonymous (Ecclesiastical history [Short Socrates])Date: 7th c.Works: Ecclesiastical history (Short Socrates)Anonymous (Ecloge historion)Date: 9th c.Works: Ecloge historionAnonymous (Enmannsche Kaisergeschichte)Date: After 337Works: Enmannsche KaisergeschichteAnonymous (Epic histories)Date: 5th c.Works: Epic historiesAnonymous (Epitome de Caesaribus)Date: Second half of 4th-first half of 5th c.Works: Epitome de CaesaribusAnonymous (Epitome of ecclesiastical histories)Date: Early 7th c.?Works: Epitome of ecclesiastical historiesAnonymous (Epitome of Herodotus)Date: 4th c. B.C.-5th c. A.D.Works: Epitome of HerodotusAnonymous (Epitome of Hydatius)Date: 6th c.Works: Epitome of HydatiusAnonymous (Epitome of Julius Africanus)Date: 3rd-4th c.Works: Epitome of Julius AfricanusAnonymous (Epitome of Julius Valerius [Oxford version])Date: 4th-5th c.?Works: Epitome of Julius Valerius (Oxford version)Anonymous (Epitome of Julius Valerius [Zacher epitome])Date: After 4th c.Works: Epitome of Julius Valerius (Zacher epitome)Anonymous (Epitome of Livy)Date: Before 800Works: Epitome of LivyAnonymous (Euthymiac history)Date: Ca. 550-750Works: Euthymiac historyAnonymous (Excerpt of Baronius)Date: First half of 6th c.Works: Excerpt of BaroniusAnonymous (Excerpta Eusebiana)Date: After the reign of Theodosius IWorks: Excerpta EusebianaAnonymous (Excerpta Latina Barbari)Date: Ca. 800Works: Excerpta Latina BarbariAnonymous (Excerpta Salmasiana II)Date: After 455Works: Excerpta Salmasiana IIAnonymous (Excerpta Sangallensia)Date: After 473Works: Excerpta SangallensiaAnonymous (Excerpts on Amida)Date: Active after 559-560Works: Excerpts on AmidaAnonymous (Exposition of times)Date: Ca. 468-470Works: Exposition of timesAnonymous (Fasti Augustani)Date: Late 5th c.Works: Fasti AugustaniAnonymous (Fasti Parisini)Date: Middle of 6th c.Works: Fasti ParisiniAnonymous (Fasti Veronenses)Date: Late 5th c.Works: Fasti VeronensesAnonymous (Felician epitome)Date: 6th c.Works: Felician epitomeAnonymous (Historia Augusta)Date: Late 4th-early 5th c.Works: Historia AugustaAnonymous (Historian of Justinian)Date: 6-7th c.Works: HistoryAnonymous (Historical notices for the years 712-716)Date: 716-874Works: Historical notices for the years 712-716Anonymous (History in MPER N.S. 3 43)Date: 6th c. or earlierWorks: History in MPER N.S. 3 43Anonymous (History in P. Ant. 2 63)Date: 6th c. or earlierWorks: History in P. Ant. 2 63Anonymous (History in P. Ant. 3 147)Date: 7th c. or earlierWorks: History in P. Ant. 3 147Anonymous (History in P. Gron. 21)Date: 4th c. or earlierWorks: History in P. Gron. 21Anonymous (History in P. Laur. 4 139)Date: 5th c. or earlierWorks: History in P. Laur. 4 139Anonymous (History in P. Lond. Lit. 116)Date: 4th c. or earlierWorks: History in P. Lond. Lit. 116Anonymous (History of Alexander the Great)Date: 4th c. or earlierWorks: History of Alexander the GreatAnonymous (History of Apollonius, king of Tyre. Hypothetical original)Date: 3rd c.Works: History of Apollonius, king of Tyre. Hypothetical originalAnonymous (History of Apollonius, king of Tyre. Recension A)Date: Second half of 5th-first half of 6th c.Works: History of Apollonius, king of Tyre. Recension AAnonymous (History of Apollonius, king of Tyre. Recension B)Date: Late 5th?-first half of 6th c.Works: History of Apollonius, king of Tyre. Recension BAnonymous (History of games)Date: 1st-4th c.?Works: History of gamesAnonymous (History of Karka d-Bet Slokh and its martyrs)Date: 6th c.Works: History of Karka d-Bet Slokh and its martyrsAnonymous (History of Muhammed)Date: 8th-9th c.Works: History of MuhammedAnonymous (History of Persia)Date: 7th-10th c.Works: History of PersiaAnonymous (History of Rome)Date: 4th c.Works: History of RomeAnonymous (History of the Alexandrian episcopate)Date: Under Theophilus (385-412)Works: History of the Alexandrian episcopateAnonymous (History of the Armenians)Date: 5th-6th c., before 551Works: History of the ArmeniansAnonymous (History of the Britons)Date: 6th-9th c.Works: History of the BritonsAnonymous (History of the conquest of Syria by the Arabs)Date: Ca. 600-650Works: History of the conquest of Syria by the Arabs Anonymous (History of the emperor Maurice)Date: After 602Works: History of the emperor MauriceAnonymous (History of the Franks)Date: 8th c. (after 751)Works: History of the FranksAnonymous (History of the Goths in Italy)Date: After second half of 6th c.Works: History of the Goths in ItalyAnonymous (History of the monastery of Sabrisho)Date: 9th c.Works: History of the monastery of SabrishoAnonymous (History of the monks in Egypt)Date: 4th c.Works: History of the monks in EgyptAnonymous (History used by John of Lydia)Date: first half of 6th c.Works: History used by John of LydiaAnonymous (History used by Nicephorus and Theophanes)Date: 8th c.Works: History used by Nicephorus and TheophanesAnonymous (Irish world chronicle)Date: 5th c.?Works: Irish world chronicleAnonymous (Justel synopsis)Date: After 730Works: Justel synopsisAnonymous (Laterculus Malalianus)Date: Late 7th-early 8th c.Works: Laterculus MalalianusAnonymous (Le Moyne synopsis)Date: After 787Works: Le Moyne synopsisAnonymous (Letter of Tansar)Date: 6th c.Works: Letter of TansarAnonymous (Liber genealogus)Date: Late 4th-early 5th c.Works: Liber genealogusAnonymous (Liber generationis 1)Date: Before 460Works: Liber generationis 1Anonymous (Liber generationis 2)Date: First half of 4th c.Works: Liber generationis 2Anonymous (Life of Georgia)Date: 8th-14th c.Works: Life of GeorgiaAnonymous (Life of Proclus)Date: Late 5th-early 6th c.Works: Life of ProclusAnonymous (Life of St. Archil)Date: 786-11th c.Works: Life of St. Arch‛ilAnonymous (Life of St. Nino)Date: 9th-10th c.Works: Life of St. NinoAnonymous (Life of the Armenians)Date: Before 800Works: Life of the ArmeniansAnonymous (Life of the Iranians)Date: Before 800Works: Life of the IraniansAnonymous (Life of the kings of K‛art‛li)Date: Ca. 790-813Works: Life of the kings of K‛art‛liAnonymous (Life of the successors of Mirian)Date: After 813, probably 11th c.Works: Life of the successors of MirianAnonymous (Life of Theodosius I)Date: Fifth-seventh c.Works: Life of Theososius IAnonymous (Life of Vakhtang Gorgasali)Date: Fl. 790-813Works: Life of Vakhtang GorgasaliAnonymous (List of Arab kings until 929)Date: After 929-930Works: List of Arab kings until 929Anonymous (List of Arab kings until Al-Walid)Date: 705-874Works: List of Arab kings until Al-WalidAnonymous (List of Arab kings until Yezid II)Date: 7th-8th c.Works: List of Arab kings until Yezid IIAnonymous (List of bishops of Rome until Agapetus and Gregory the Great)Date: Late 6th-early 7th c.Works: List of bishops of Rome until Agapetus and Gregory the GreatAnonymous (List of bishops of Rome until Felix IV)Date: 6th c.Works: List of bishops of Rome until Felix IVAnonymous (List of bishops of Rome until Gregory the Great)Date: Late 6th-early 7th c.Works: List of bishops of Rome until Gregory the GreatAnonymous (List of bishops of Rome until Hadrian I)Date: Second half of 8th c.Works: List of bishops of Rome until Hadrian IAnonymous (List of bishops of Rome until Honorius I)Date: 7th c.Works: List of bishops of Rome until Honorius IAnonymous (List of bishops of Rome until Hormisdas)Date: 6th c.Works: List of bishops of Rome until HormisdasAnonymous (List of bishops of Rome until John VI)Date: Early 8th c.Works: List of bishops of Rome until John VIAnonymous (List of bishops of Rome until Liberius)Date: Middle of 4th c.Works: List of bishops of Rome until LiberiusAnonymous (List of bishops of Rome until Pelagius II)Date: Late 6th c.Works: List of bishops of Rome until Pelagius IIAnonymous (List of bishops of Rome until Severinus)Date: 7th c.Works: List of bishops of Rome until SeverinusAnonymous (List of bishops of Rome until Vigilius)Date: Middle of 6th c.Works: List of bishops of Rome until VigiliusAnonymous (List of catholicoi until Peroz I)Date: Second half of 5th c.Works: List of catholicoi until Peroz IAnonymous (List of East Syrian metropolitans)Date: After 913/914Works: List of East Syrian metropolitansAnonymous (List of emperors from Constantine to Leo)Date: After 474Works: List of emperors from Constantine to LeoAnonymous (List of Georgian rulers and catholicoi)Date: 9th-10th c.Works: List of Georgian rulers and catholiciAnonymous (List of Georgian rulers until Mirian)Date: 9th-10th c.Works: List of Georgian rulers until MirianAnonymous (List of Georgian rulers until Stephen II)Date: 9th-10th c.Works: List of Georgian kings until Stephen IIAnonymous (List of Jacobite patriarchs)Date: Late 10th c.Works: List of Jacobite patriarchsAnonymous (List of kings of Edessa)Date: 6th c.?Works: List of kings of EdessaAnonymous (List of kings of Northumbria)Date: Middle of 8th c.Works: List of kings of NorthumbriaAnonymous (List of kings of the Vandals and Alans)Date: 6th c., after 534Works: List of kings of the Vandals and AlansAnonymous (List of patriarchs of Alexandria until Apollinarius)Date: Second half of 6th c.Works: List of patriarchs of Alexandria until ApollinariusAnonymous (List of patriarchs of Alexandria until Peter IV)Date: 7th c.Works: List of patriarchs of Alexandria until Peter IVAnonymous (List of Persian kings until Khosrow I)Date: Late 6th-early 7th c.Works: List of Persian kings until Khosrow IAnonymous (List of Persian kings until Khosrow II)Date: After 590Works: List of Persian kings until Khosrow IIAnonymous (List of Roman emperors until Carus)Date: 5th-8th c.Works: List of Roman emperors until CarusAnonymous (List of Roman emperors until Justin I)Date: First half of 6th c.Works: List of Roman emperors until Justin IAnonymous (List of rulers based on Eusebius)Date: 325-1696Works: List of rulers based on EusebiusAnonymous (List of rulers until Leo VI)Date: Early 10th c.Works: List of rulers until Leo VIAnonymous (List of rulers until Michael I)Date: Early 9th c.Works: List of rulers until Michael IAnonymous (List of rulers until Phocas)Date: Early 7th c.Works: List of rulers until PhocasAnonymous (List of Visigothic kings)Date: Second half of 7th c.Works: List of Visigothic kingsAnonymous (Lives of the abbots of Agaunum)Date: 6th c.Works: Lives of the abbots of AgaunumAnonymous (Lives of the fathers of Emerita)Date: First half of 7th c.Works: Lives of the fathers of EmeritaAnonymous (Lives of the fathers of the Jura)Date: Ca. 483-550Works: Lives of the fathers of the JuraAnonymous (Manichaean ecclesiastical history)Date: 4th c.?Works: Manichaean ecclesiastical historyAnonymous (Maronite chronicle)Date: 660-9th c.Works: Maronite chronicleAnonymous (Melkite chronicle)Date: 7th c.Works: Melkite chronicleAnonymous (Metz epitome of the life of Alexander the Great)Date: 4th c.?Works: Metz epitome of the life of Alexander the GreatLast days of AlexanderAnonymous (Miscellaneous chronicle)Date: Ca. 640Works: Miscellaneous chronicleAnonymous (Narration about the depravity of Dioscorus of Alexandria)Date: Early 6th c.?Works: Narration about the depravity of Dioscorus of AlexandriaAnonymous (Narration of generations)Date: 8th c.Works: Narration of generationsAnonymous (Narrative of Aphroditianus)Date: 5th c.Works: Narrative of AphroditianusAnonymous (Old chronicle)Date: 3rd-4th c.Works: Old chronicleAnonymous (On illustrious men of Rome)Date: First half of 4th c.Works: On illustrious men of RomeAnonymous (On the construction of Hagia Sophia)Date: 9th c.Works: On the construction of Hagia SophiaAnonymous (On the genealogy of Caesar)Date: 68-812Works: On the genealogy of CaesarAnonymous (Origin of Constantine)Date: 4th c.Works: Origin of ConstantineAnonymous (Origin of the human race)Date: 234-427Works: Origin of the human raceAnonymous (Original chronicle of Edessa)Date: Early 6th c.?Works: Original chronicle of EdessaAnonymous (Origins of Padua)Date: Before second half of 4th c.Works: Origins of PaduaAnonymous (Origins of the Langobards)Date: Ca. 672-688Works: Origins of the LangobardsAnonymous (Origins of the Roman people)Date: 4th c.Works: Origins of the Roman peopleAnonymous (Parastaseis syntomoi chronikai)Date: 8th-10th c.Works: Parastaseis syntomoi chronikaiAnonymous (Paschal chronicle)Date: 7th c.Works: Paschal chronicleAnonymous (Paschale Campanum)Date: First half of 6th c.Works: Paschale CampanumAnonymous (Patria of Alexandria)Date: 1st c. B.C. - 6th c. A.D.Works: Patria of AlexandriaAnonymous (Patria of an Egyptian city)Date: 4th-5th c.Works: Patria of an Egyptian cityAnonymous (Patria of Antinoopolis)Date: Late 3rd c.Works: Patria of AntinoopolisAnonymous (Patria of Byzantium)Date: 4th-6th c.Works: Patria of ByzantiumAnonymous (Patria of Constantinople)Date: Second half of 10th c.Works: Patria of ConstantinopleAnonymous (Patria of Hermopolis)Date: Late 3rd-early 5th c.Works: Patria of HermopolisAnonymous (Periochae)Date: 4th c.?Works: PeriochaeAnonymous (Primary history of K‛art‛li)Date: 7th c.?Works: Primary history of K‛art‛liAnonymous (Primeval chronicle of Edessa)Date: Early 6th c.?Works: Primeval chronicle of EdessaAnonymous (Romance on Hadrian)Date: 4th c.?Works: Romance on HadrianAnonymous (Scroll of Antiochus)Date: 6th-8th c.Works: Scroll of AntiochusAnonymous (Scroll of fasting)Date: 1st c.Works: Scroll of fastingAnonymous (Second letter on the martyrs of Najran)Date: After 518-523Works: Second letter on the martyrs of NajranAnonymous (Seder olam zuta)Date: 6th c.?Works: Seder olam zutaAnonymous (Short chronography until 818)Date: 9th c.Works: Short chronography until 818Anonymous (Source of Excidium Troiae)Date: Before 9th c.Works: Source of Excidium TroiaeAnonymous (Stern synopsis)Date: Late 8th-early 9th c.Works: Stern synopsisAnonymous (Stories of the Egyptians)Date: Before 9th c.Works: Stories of the EgyptiansAnonymous (Syriac translation of Socrates)Date: Late 5th-7th c.Works: Syriac translation of SocratesAnonymous (Syriac translation of the Chronicle of Eusebius)Date: 5-7th cWorks: Syriac translation of the Chronicle of EusebiusAnonymous (Table of nations)Date: First half of 6th c.Works: Table of nationsAnonymous (Tale of the kings)Date: Second half of 6th c.Works: Tale of the kingsAnonymous (The kingdom of the Hephthalites)Date: 4th c. or laterWorks: The kingdom of the HephthalitesAnonymous (The last scroll of fasting)Date: 5th-6th c.Works: The last scroll of fastingAnonymous (Theosophy of Tübingen)Date: Under Anastasius (491-518)Works: Theosophy of TübingenAnonymous (Toledot Yeshu)Date: 5th-9th c.Works: Toledot YeshuAnonymous (Translation of Eutropius)Date: 4th-9th c.Works: Translation of EutropiusAnonymous (Translation of Flavius Josephus, Jewish antiquities)Date: 6th c.Works: Jewish antiquitiesAnonymous (Translation of Jerome, On illustrious men)Date: 5th c.? (after 393)Works: On illustrious menAnonymous (Universal chronicle of 741)Date: After 741Works: Universal chronicle of 741Anonymous (Vatican epitome of Prosper)Date: 5th-6th c.Works: Vatican epitome of ProsperAnonymous (Writings of the Persians)Date: 1st-6th c.Works: Writings of the PersiansAnonymous after DioDate: 337-600Works: HistoryAnonymous ecclesiastical historian (6th c.) from Paris. Gr. 1555ADate: After 565Works: Ecclesiastical historyAnonymous ecclesiastical historian (7th c.) from Paris. Gr. 1555ADate: After 610Works: Ecclesiastical historyAnonymous ecclesiastical historian of the sixth centuryDate: Ca. 500Works: Ecclesiastical historyAnonymous homoian historianDate: 4th c.Works: ChronicleAnonymous of CyzicusDate: Second half of 5th c.Works: Ecclesiastical historyHistory of Constantius I and ConstantineAnonymous of HeracleaDate: Under Basil I, Leo VI, Constantine VII and Romanus Lecapenus (867-944)Works: Universal historyAnonymous of MadridDate: 9th c.Works: Short chronographyAnonymus Valesianus IIDate: After 526Works: History of king TheodericAnthiosDate: Before 6th c.Works: HistoryAntimachus of HeliopolisDate: Before middle of 4th c.Works: Creation of the worldAntiochus StrategiusDate: First half of 7th c.Works: Capture of JerusalemAnysiusDate: 4th-early 5th c.?Works: On the monthsAphroditianusDate: Before 8th c.Works: Geography?AplorisDate: Under Jovian (363-364)Works: History of Julian's reignApollinarius of Laodicea the ElderDate: Middle of 4th c.Works: Old Testament paraphraseApollinarius of Laodicea the YoungerDate: Died ca. 390Works: History of the HebrewsApollonius of AphrodisiasDate: 3rd c. B.C.-6th c. A.D.Works: On CariaOn TrallesApollonius the SyrianDate: Before 11th c.Works: WritingAppian, Pseudo-Date: 2-4th c.Works: Parthian historyAratorDate: First half of 6th c.Works: On the acts of the apostlesArbitioDate: Before 8th c.Works: GeographyArchangelusDate: Before 11th c.Works: HistoryAristarchusDate: Late 8th c.?Works: HistoryArsaciusDate: Before 8th c.Works: Geography?Artemidorus of AscalonDate: Unknown (1st c.?)Works: On Bithynian things Arud the CanaaniteDate: Before 6th c.?Works: ChronicleAsaphDate: Before 6th c.Works: ChronicleAsclepiusDate: 4th-5th c.Works: Patria of AnazarbusAspasius of TyreDate: 3rd c.?Works: Miscellaneous history On Epirus and its inhabitantsAthanaridDate: Ca. 500?Works: GeographyAtqenDate: 8th c.Works: Ecclesiastical historyAugustalisDate: 3rd-5th c.Works: LaterculusAusoniusDate: Ca. 310-394Works: CaesarsChronicleOn Hebrew and Athenian names of monthsOn Hebrew namesOn usurpersOn pre-Roman kingsFastiHistoryAvieniusDate: Middle of 4th c.Works: Paraphrase of LivyBar EbroyoDate: 1225/1226-1286Works: ChronicleHistory of the dynastiesLetter to the catholicus DenhaBar Sahde of KarkaDate: 6th-7th c.Works: Ecclesiastical historyBardesainesDate: 154-222Works: History of the temple Ani KhamakhBarhadbeshabba from the Bet-ArbayeDate: Late 6th-early 7th c.Works: Ecclesiastical historyCause of the foundation of the schoolsBarsumaDate: 4th c.Works: History of the first kingsBasil of CiliciaDate: First half of 6th c.Works: Ecclesiastical historyBasil, bishop of EdessaDate: Early 12th c.-1169 (ordained in 1129)Works: About the Comans ChronicleBedeDate: 672-735Works: Ecclesiastical historyReckoning of timeOn timesChronica maioraChronica minoraLives of the abbots of Wearmouth and JarrowBemarchiusDate: First half of 4th c.Works: Deeds of the emperor Constantine in ten booksBlandus, RubelliusDate: Before 350Works: HistoryBoethiusDate: ca. 480-525Works: HistoryBrunichiusDate: Before 6th c.Works: AccountBruttiusDate: 1st-early 4th c.Works: AccountCadmusDate: Unknown (before 10th c.)Works: Attic historiesCallinicus of PetraDate: 3rd c.Works: On the patria of Rome On the revival of the Romans To Cleopatra on the history of Alexandria CallistusDate: 4th c.Works: On Julian's reignCandidus the IsaurianDate: Second half of 5th c.Works: HistoryCapito of LyciaDate: 483/493-early 6th c.Works: Isaurian historyOn Lycia and PamphyliaTranslation of EutropiusCaracallus the PraepositusDate: 8th c. or possibly 6th c.Works: What happened in the region of AmastrianonCarminiusDate: 2nd-4th c.Works: On ItalyCassianusDate: 2nd c.Works: ChronographyCassiodorusDate: Ca. 485-580Works: Anecdoton HolderiChronicleHistory of the GothsTripartite historyCharisiusDate: Middle of 3rd c.-early 4th c.Works: On the office of praetorian prefectChorohbutDate: 4th c.Works: History of Shapuh and Julian Translation of History of the first kingsChristodorus of CoptusDate: Late 5th-early 6th c.Works: Patria of ConstantinopleHistory of Lydia Isaurian historyPatria of Aphrodisias Patria of MiletusPatria of NaclePatria of ThessalonikiPatria of TrallesClaudianusDate: Ca. 400-450Works: Patria of AnazarbusPatria of Berytus Patria of NicaeaPatria of TarsusClement of AntiochDate: 2nd c. or laterWorks: ChronicleClement, historian of RomeDate: After 2nd c.Works: Kings and emperors of the RomansColluthusDate: Under Anastasius (491-518)Works: On the Persian warConsentiusDate: Early-middle 5th c.Works: HistoryConstantine of CaesareaDate: 7-12th c.Works: HistoryConstantine the DeaconDate: 7th-8th c.Works: Ecclesiastical historyConstantine the GreatDate: Ruled 306-337Works: Debates of ConstantineConstantius the ChroniclerDate: 4th c. or laterWorks: ChronicleCorippusDate: Early 6th c.-after 568Works: IohannisIn praise of Justin IICylleniusDate: Middle of 4th c.Works: On the campaign against the NardiniCyrillus, TatiusDate: 306-337Works: BiographiesCyrus, priest of BatnaDate: Second half of 6th-first half of 7th c.Works: Ecclesiastical historyDamarisDate: Unknown (before 12th c.)Works: AccountDamasciusDate: Ca. 465-540Works: Philosophical historyDaniel, son of MaryDate: First half of 7th c.Works: Ecclesiastical historyBook on the chronicleDaniel, son of Moses of Tur AbdinDate: 8th c.Works: Ecclesiastical historyDares of Phrygia, Pseudo-Date: 5th-6th c.Works: Fall of TroyDavid bishop of KartawDate: 8th-9th c.Works: Little paradiseDavid the monkDate: 7th c.Works: History of the monks of the monastery of SabrishoDenah IshoDate: 8th or 9th c.Works: ChronicleDexter, Nummius AemilianusDate: Late 4th c.Works: Varied historyDiocles, Pseudo-Date: Before 837Works: HistoryDiodorus of TarsusDate: Died 390Works: ChronicleDiogenes of CyzicusDate: End of 3rd c.?Works: Patria of CyzicusDionysarusDate: Before 5th c.Works: HistoryDionysius Bar SalibiDate: Died 1171Works: Chronicle of the life of church fathers and martyrsChronicleDionysius of Tell MahreDate: Died 845Works: HistoryDiophantus of SpartaDate: Before 6th c.Works: AntiquitiesOn religious ritualsDioscorusDate: Late 6th-early 7th c.?Works: AccountDius, AeliusDate: 2nd?-4th c.Works: On AlexandriaDomitianusDate: Before 11th c.Works: HistoryDomninusDate: 302-525; possibly 4th c.Works: HistoryDorotheus of Tyre, Pseudo-Date: 8th c.Works: List of bishops of Byzantium and of disciples of ChristEleusiusDate: 4th c.?Works: On the foundation of ConstantinopleElias of AnbarDate: Late 10th-first half of 11th c.Works: Ecclesiastical historyElias of MerwDate: 7th c.Works: Ecclesiastical historyElias of NisibisDate: 975-1046Works: ChronicleEcclesiastical historyElias the Ecclesiastical HistorianDate: 6th-7th c.Works: Ecclesiastical historyEphorus the YoungerDate: Second half of 3rd c. or laterWorks: History of GallienusEpiphanius of SalamisDate: Ca. 310/320-403Works: ChronicleEpiphanius of Salamis, Pseudo-Date: Late 6th-early 7th c.Works: List of bishopsEudocia AugustaDate: Ca. 400-460Works: Epic on the Persian warEunapius of SardisDate: Ca. 368-420Works: History after DexippusLives of the sophistsEusebius of CaesareaDate: 260/265-339Works: ChronicleEcclesiastical historyMartyrs of PalestineLife of ConstantineCollection of ancient martyrsLife of PamphilusEusebius of NantesDate: Early 4th c. (after Diocletian)Works: HistoryEusebius ScholasticusDate: 400-439Works: GainiasEusebius, historian used by EvagriusDate: After emperor Carus (283)Works: HistoryEusebius, son of Pamphilus, Pseudo-Date: 5th c.?Works: ChronicleEustathius of Antioch, Pseudo-Date: 5th-10th c.Works: Chronological historyEustathius of EpiphaniaDate: Died 502/503Works: Chronological epitomeEustathius the ChronographerDate: Before 10th c.Works: HistoryEusthenius, ClaudiusDate: Early 4th c.Works: Biographies of Diocletian and MaximianEustochius of CappadociaDate: Middle of 4th c.Works: Antiquities of CappadociaOn the reign of the emperor ConstansAntiquities of other nationsEutropiusDate: Middle of 4th c.Works: BreviariumEutychianus of CappadociaDate: Middle of 4th c.Works: On Julian's Persian warEutychianus ProtoasecretesDate: First half of 4th c.?Works: On the foundation of ConstantinopleEutychius of AlexandriaDate: 877-940Works: AnnalsEvagrius ScholasticusDate: Ca. 532-after 595Works: Ecclesiastical historyHistoryExuperantius, JuliusDate: 4th-5th c.Works: OpusculumEłisheDate: 5th.-early 6th c.Works: History of Vardan Mamikonean FabiusDate: 5th-mid 6th c.Works: On Ravenna?Faustus of ByzantiumDate: 4th-5th c.?Works: HistoryFestusDate: Middle of 4th c.Works: BreviariumFirmilianusDate: Died 268?Works: History of the persecutions of the churchFortunusDate: Ca. 4th c. and before 6th c.Works: AccountFredegar, Pseudo-Date: Second half of 7th c.Works: ChronicleFrigeridus, Renatus ProfuturusDate: Middle of 5th c.Works: HistoriesFulgentiusDate: Late 5th-early 6th c.Works: On the ages of the worldGelasius of CaesareaDate: Died before 395Works: Ecclesiastical historyGennadius of MarseillesDate: Late 5th c.Works: On illustrious menGeorge of PisidiaDate: Died between 631 and 634?Works: Official history of the Persian warGeorge of the ArabsDate: Died 724Works: ChronicleGeorge SyncellusDate: Died shortly after 813Works: ChronographyGeorge the ArchdeaconDate: Middle of 7th-early 8th c.Works: HistoryGeorge the MonkDate: 9th c.Works: ChronicleGeorge the PriestDate: Before 9th c.Works: ChronicleGeorge UrtayaDate: 6th c.Works: Book concerning the consecration of TheodoreGermanus of ConstantinopleDate: 634-740Works: On synods and heresiesGildasDate: 6th c.Works: The ruin of BritainGouryaDate: 6th-7th c.?Works: Ecclesiastical historyGreat ChronographerDate: 8th-9th c. (after 750)Works: ChronicleGregory of KashkarDate: 6th-7th c.Works: Ecclesiastical historyGregory of ShushterDate: Second half of 8th c.?Works: Ecclesiastical historyGregory of ToursDate: 538-594Works: HistoryLife of the FathersHabel the TeacherDate: 2nd-5th c.Works: Bishops of ArbelaHegesippus, Pseudo-Date: 4-5th c.Works: The Jewish warHistoriesHeldebaldDate: Ca. 500Works: GeographyHeliconiusDate: After 395Works: Chronological epitomeHelladius of AntinoopolisDate: Late 3rd-early 4th c. (under the reigns of Maximianus and Licinius, 286-310)Works: AthensChrestomathyAegyptian treatise RomeCity of Antinoos NileHenanisho of HirtaDate: Second half of 8th c.?Works: Ecclesiastical historyHeraclidas of NyssaDate: Middle of 5th c.Works: Life of OlympiasLausiac historyHermias of HermopolisDate: 4th-5th c.?Works: Patria of Hermopolis Herodotus the ChronographerDate: 4th-9th c.Works: ChronicleHeronDate: Middle of 6th c.Works: ChronographyHeroniusDate: Middle of 5th c.Works: EpicHesychius of JerusalemDate: Middle of 5th c.Works: Ecclesiastical historyHesychius the IllustriousDate: Late 5th-first half of 6th c.Works: Chronological historyHistory of Justin IOnomatologosHesychius the PreacherDate: 6th c.Works: On the birth of ChristHilarianusDate: Late 4th c.Works: Computation of yearsOn EasterHippolytus of ThebesDate: 7th-8th c.Works: ChronicleHorapollon the ElderDate: Fl. under Theodosius I or II (379-395 or 408-450)Works: On templesHorapollon the YoungerDate: Fl. under the emperor Zeno (474-491)Works: On the patria of Alexandria Hrp/q'sp/qsDate: First millenniumWorks: ChronicleHunayn, son of IshaqDate: 808-873Works: History of the worldHydatiusDate: Middle of 5th c.Works: ChronicleIamblichus of ChalcisDate: Ca. 240-325Works: GeographyLife of PythagorasIanuarius NepotianusDate: 3rd-5th c.Works: Epitome of Valerius MaximusIgnatius of MeliteneDate: Died 1094Works: ChronicleIldefons of ToledoDate: Ca. 607-667Works: On illustrious menIrenaeus of TyreDate: First half and middle of 5th c.Works: TragedyIrenaeus the ChroniclerDate: 2nd-6th c.Works: ChronicleIshobarnunDate: 743-828Works: Life of Mar AbaIshodnah of BasraDate: 9th c.Works: Ecclesiastical historyBook of chastityIshoyahb II of GdalaDate: Died ca. 646Works: StoriesIsidore of SevilleDate: Ca. 560-636Works: History of the GothsOn illustrious menLesser chronicleGreater chronicleIsidore the DeaconDate: 5th-7th c.Works: ChronicleJacob of EdessaDate: Ca. 630-708Works: ChronicleJacob of Nisibis, Pseudo-Date: 5th c.Works: ChronicleJacob, son of Zachariah of Kashkar the scribeDate: Before 956Works: ChronicleJeromeDate: Ca. 347-420Works: On famous menChronicleEcclesiastical historyJesusDate: First millenniumWorks: HistoryJohn bar ShushanDate: Died 1072Works: On the destruction of MeliteneJohn called GlyboDate: 6th c.Works: Ecclesiastical historyJohn ChrysostomDate: 344/354-407Works: Letter to Acacius bishop of MeliteneTreatise on the Egyptian monks John DiacrinomenusDate: Late 5th-early 6th c.Works: Ecclesiastical historyJohn MalalasDate: Ca. 490-570Works: ChronicleJohn Mamikonean, Pseudo-Date: End of 7th c.Works: History of TaronJohn of AegeaeDate: Second half of 5th c.Works: Ecclesiastical historyJohn of AntiochDate: 6th c. or early 7th c.Works: Chronological historyJohn of Beth GarmaiDate: Fl. 650Works: ChronicleJohn of BiclarDate: Late 6th-early 7th c.Works: ChronicleJohn of DraskhanakertDate: 870/875-924/925Works: History of the ArmeniansJohn of EphesusDate: Ca. 507-589Works: Ecclesiastical historyLives of the Eastern saintsJohn of EpiphaniaDate: Late 6th c.Works: HistoriesJohn of KaysumDate: Died 1171Works: ChronicleJohn of LydiaDate: Ca. 490-561Works: On the magistracies of the Roman stateHistoryOn the monthsOn celestial signsJohn of NikiuDate: Ca. 650-700Works: ChronicleJohn of OdzunDate: 650-729Works: On the councils of ArmeniaJohn of PhenekDate: 7th c.Works: Book of the main eventsJohn Philoponus, Pseudo-Date: 6th-9th c.Works: History of Greek physiciansJohn the ChroniclerDate: Unknown (before 12th c.)Works: ChronicleJohn the DeaconDate: 9th c. (died before 882)Works: Ecclesiastical historyJohn the PriestDate: First half of 5th c.Works: On the council of NicaeaJohn the Stylite of LitarbaDate: Died 737/738Works: ChronicleJohn, son of Abba MosesDate: 8th c.Works: HistoryBiography of Michael IJohn, son of Adi the GrammarianDate: Probably after Muslim conquestsWorks: Book of historyJohn, son of JosephDate: 9th c.Works: HistoryJohn, son of SamuelDate: 6th-early 9th c.Works: HistoryJordanesDate: Middle of 6th c.Works: Life of BoethiusRoman historyHistory of the GothsJoseph HazzayaDate: Second half of 6th c.Works: Histories of the Paradise of the EastJoseph the MonkDate: 11th c.Works: Discourses on the devastation of MeliteneJoshua the Stylite, Pseudo-Date: Late 5th-early 6th c.Works: HistoryJuansher Juansheriani, Pseudo-Date: Fl. 790-813Works: Continuation of The life of Vakhtang GorgasaliJudasDate: 2nd-3rd c.Works: ChronographyJulian of HalicarnassusDate: Died after 527Works: ChronicleJulian of ToledoDate: 642-690Works: History of WambaJulian the EmperorDate: 331-363Works: Account of the battle of StrasburgAccount of the campaign against the NardiniJulian, son of DomnusDate: Under ConstantineWorks: On AntiochJustinDate: 2nd-4th c.Works: EpitomeLacharesDate: 450-474Works: History after CornutusLactantiusDate: Ca. 250-325Works: On the deaths of the persecutorsLazarus, nephew of Raban DavidDate: Late 10th-early 11th c.Works: ChronicleLeo I, emperorDate: 457-474Works: Life of PulcheriaLepidusDate: Before 6th c.Works: EpitomeOn the sacredLibaniusDate: Before 8th c.Works: Geography?Liberatus of CarthageDate: 534-565Works: BreviariumLollianusDate: Before 8th c.Works: GeographyLucentiusDate: 428-555/567Works: Epitome of chroniclesLupercus of BeirutDate: Second half of 3rd c. (shortly before the reign of Claudius II)Works: Foundation of the Arsinoite nome in EgyptMacarius the MonkDate: Middle of 7th c.-early 8th c.Works: HistoryMacrobiusDate: Late 4th-early 5th c.Works: SaturnaliaMagnus of CarrhaeDate: Middle of 4th c.Works: HistoryMalchusDate: Second half of 5th c.Works: Byzantine historyMar Abas CatinaDate: Second half of 4th c.?Works: Primary history of ArmeniaMarcellinus ComesDate: First half of 6th c.Works: On Constantinople and JerusalemHistoryChronicleMarcellinus the historianDate: Second half of 4th c.Works: HistoryMarcomirDate: Ca. 500?Works: GeographyMaribas the ChaldeanDate: After 1199Works: ChronicleMarinus of NeapolisDate: Ca. 440-500Works: Life of Proclus (verse)Life of Proclus (prose)Marius of AvenchesDate: 532-596Works: ChronicleMarsyas of TabaeDate: Unknown (before 10th c.)Works: ArchaeologyMythical history Marutha of MaypherqatDate: Died 421Works: Book of martyrsCanons and history of the council of NicaeaMarutha of TagritDate: Died 649.Works: Letter on the persecution by BarsaumaMawhub, son of Mansur son of MufarrijDate: Ca. 1025-1100Works: History of the patriarchs of AlexandriaMaximianus of RavennaDate: 499-ca. 556Works: ChronicleMaximinusDate: Before 8th c.Works: GeographyMaximus of ZaragozaDate: Bishop 592-619Works: HistoryMembronius the BabylonianDate: Unknown (before 6th c.)Works: ChronicleMenander ProtectorDate: Second half of 6th c.Works: HistoryMenander the MageDate: Before 11th c.Works: ChronicleMenas the HistorianDate: Before 11th c.Works: HistoryMenas the ScribeDate: middle of 5th-11th c.Works: Account of the council of ChalcedonMeshiha ZekhaDate: Before 1300Works: Ecclesiastical historyMethodolus the Chronographer of the EgyptiansDate: Before 7th c.Works: ChronicleMetrasDate: 6th c.Works: Letter concerning the consecration of TheodoreMetrodorusDate: 4th or 6th c.Works: ChronographyMetrophanes of EucarpiaDate: Late 3rd-early 4th c.Works: On PhrygiaMicah of Beth GarmaiDate: First half of 7th c.Works: Ecclesiastical historyMichael the GreatDate: 1126-1199Works: ChronicleMilichiusDate: 4th-10th c.Works: HistoryMoses Bar KephaDate: 9th c. (died 903)Works: Ecclesiastical historyMoses of KhorenDate: 5th.-9th c.Works: History of the ArmeniansMoses the WiseDate: Unknown (before 10th c.)Works: On the nationsNaucelliusDate: 4th c.Works: Roman historyNenniusDate: 9th-11th c.Works: History of the BritonsNestorianusDate: Second half of 5th c.Works: HistoryNestoriusDate: 386-ca. 450Works: Book of synodsNicephorus, patriarchDate: Ca. 758-828Works: Short historyChronographikon syntomonNicomachus FlavianusDate: Died 394Works: HistoryOn the doctrines of the philosophersLife of Apollonius of TyanaNicostratus of TrapezuntDate: Second half of 3rd c.Works: HistoryNilus the MonkDate: 5th-9th c.Works: NarrationNinusDate: 4th-5th c.Works: HistoryNonnosusDate: First half of 6th c.Works: HistoryObsequens, JuliusDate: 4th c.?Works: Book of wondersOlympiodorus of ThebesDate: First half of 5th c.Works: Books of historyOnasimus of CyprusDate: First half of 4th c.Works: Life of ProbusOribasiusDate: 4th c.Works: HypomnemaOrionDate: First half of 2nd c. or 5th c.Works: Encomium on the emperor Hadrian OrosiusDate: Early 5th c. (attested ca. 415-420)Works: HistoriesPaeaniusDate: Second half of 4th c.Works: Translation of the Breviarium of EutropiusPalaephatusDate: Unknown (before 10th c.)Works: Peculiar historyEgyptian theology Palladius of HelenopolisDate: Second half of 4th-early 5th c.Works: On the peoples of India and the Brahmans DialogueLausiac historyPalladius of MethoneDate: First half of 4th c.Works: On the festivals of the RomansPamprepiusDate: 440-484Works: On IsauriaPanodorusDate: Early 5th c.Works: ChronographyPapias of AntiochDate: Before 6th c.?Works: HistoryPapias of ConstantinopleDate: After 6th c.?Works: Description of statuesParis, JuliusDate: 4th c.?Works: On namesEpitomeParthenius of PhocaeaDate: 4th-5th c.Works: HistoryPaul the Black of Beit UkkameDate: Died ca. 580Works: Memoir against John ScholasticusPaul the DeaconDate: Ca. 720-799Works: The bishops of MetzHistory of the LangobardsRoman historyPaulinus of NolaDate: 355-431Works: On kingsPaulinus the HistoriographerDate: 4th c.?Works: Ecclesiastical historyPausanias of AntiochDate: 2nd-6th c.Works: On AntiochPausanias of DamascusDate: Before first half of 7th c.Works: On AsiaPausanias the LaconianDate: Unknown (under Roman empire?)Works: ChronicleOn the AmphictyoniesOn the festivals of LaconiaOn the HellespontHistory of LaconiaPelagiusDate: Died 490Works: HistoryPergamus the PamphylianDate: 6th c.?Works: AccountPersicus the ThracianDate: 5th c.?Works: HistoryPeter of AlexandriaDate: Middle of 5th c.?Works: HistoryPeter the PatricianDate: 500-565Works: HistoryCollectionOn ceremoniesPethyonDate: 8th-9th c.?Works: Ecclesiastical historyPetroniusDate: First half of 5th c.Works: History of monksPharnuchus of NisibisDate: Before 6th c.Works: Persian historiesPhilagriusDate: Second half of 4th c.Works: DiaryPhilemonDate: After 224?Works: History of the ParthiansPhilippus of SideDate: First half of 5th c. (attested until 431)Works: Christian historyPhilo of CarpasiaDate: Died 394Works: Ecclesiastical historyPhilo of TirakDate: 7th c.Works: ChroniclePhilo, Pseudo-Date: 2nd-4th c.Works: Jewish antiquitiesPhilostorgiusDate: Ca. 368-440Works: Ecclesiastical historyPhilostratus of AthensDate: Under Aurelian (270-275)Works: Persian historyPhocasDate: Late 4th-early 5th c.Works: Life of VergilPlatoniusDate: 3rd-4th c.Works: On difference of styleOn the differences of the comediesPolemius SilviusDate: First half of 5th c.Works: CalendarPorphyry of TyreDate: Ca. 232-305Works: ChronicleHistory of philosophyLife of PythagorasGeographyLife of PlotinusPosidonius of OlbaDate: Roman or Late antiqueWorks: Attic historiesOn the so-called Tyric landLibyan historyPraxagorasDate: First half of 4th c.Works: History of Constantine the GreatOn Alexander king of the MacedoniansOn the kings of AthensPriscus of PaniumDate: Ca. 410-480Works: HistoryProbaDate: Before 380Works: The war of emperor Constantius against MagnentiusProbinusDate: Before 8th c.Works: GeographyProclus the PhilosopherDate: 412-485Works: On the hieratic art Procopius of CaesareaDate: Ca. 500-565Works: Ecclesiastical historyWarsAnecdotaBuildingsPromotusDate: 2nd half of 4th c.Works: Report on the war against MaximusPromuntiusDate: 8th c.?Works: HistoryProsper of AquitaineDate: Ca. 390-after 455Works: ChronicleProtadiusDate: Attested 395-417Works: History of GaulProtus the RomanDate: 1st-6th c.?Works: HistoryPtolemyDate: Ca. 87-150Works: List of Roman emperorsPyrrhoDate: Before 7th c.Works: ChronicleQays the MaroniteDate: 9th-10th c.Works: HistoryQomabarus the AssyrianDate: Unknown (before 12th c.)Works: ChronicleQuadratus, AsiniusDate: Middle of 3rd c.Works: Roman historyParthian historyGerman historyQusta, son of LuqaDate: 860-912Works: ParadiseRoteriusDate: Under Reccared I (559-601)Works: On the reigns of various peoplesRufinus GraecusDate: Middle of 5th c.Works: Ecclesiastical historyRufinus of AquileiaDate: Ca. 345-411Works: Jewish warEcclesiastical historyHistory of monksRufusDate: 2nd-3rd c.?Works: Roman historyHistory of theaterHistory of musicSabas, Pseudo-Date: Second half of 6th c.Works: On the mystery of the lettersSabinus of HeracleaDate: Middle of 4th c.Works: SynagogeSabinus the ArianDate: After Constantine the GreatWorks: Ecclesiastical historySabrisho the CatholicosDate: 6th c.-604Works: Ecclesiastical historySaliba the Elder of MeliteneDate: 12th c. (before 1164)Works: AccountSammonicusDate: Under Diocletian and GaleriusWorks: On various questionsSardoniusDate: Before 8th c.Works: Geography?SebeosDate: 7th-10th c.Works: History of HeracliusSebeos, Pseudo-Date: 7th-10th c. (after 655)Works: History of ArmeniaHistory of Heraclius and the holy crossSecundus of TrentDate: Died March 612Works: HistorySeleucus of EmesaDate: 3rd c.?Works: Parthian historySeleucus the RhetorDate: Died after 365Works: HistorySeptimus, LuciusDate: 4th c.Works: EphemerisSergius of ResafaDate: 6th-7th c.Works: WritingSergius the ConfessorDate: Late 8th-early 9th c.Works: HistorySergius the TranslatorDate: 6th c.Works: Royal annals of PersiaSeverus, AciliusDate: Died before 375Works: AutobiographySeverus, bishop of Ashmunayn Ibn al-Muqaffa‘Date: Ca. 910-987Works: Second book on the councilsBook of the councilsSeverus, SulpiciusDate: Ca. 355-405Works: ChronicleSidonius ApollinarisDate: Ca. 430-489Works: HistoryLife of AnnianusSisiniusDate: Unknown (before 6th c.)Works: HistorySocrates of ConstantinopleDate: Ca. 380-440Works: Ecclesiastical historySolinusDate: Late 3rd-4th c.Works: CollectionSolomon metropolitan of BasraDate: 13th c.Works: Book of the beeSolomon, bishop of HadethDate: Second half of 8th c.Works: HistorySopater of AlexandriaDate: Before 10th c.Works: Selection from historiesSopater the SophistDate: After 2nd c.Works: Various extractsSophroniusDate: Second half of 4th c.Works: On the destruction of SerapisSoterichus of OasisDate: Fl. 284-305Works: Life of Apollonius of Tyana Patria of OasisPython or Alexandriacus SozomenDate: Ca. 400-450Works: Ecclesiastical historyEpitomeStephen of AlexandriaDate: Ca. 550/555-640Works: Fasti HeraclianiStephen of ByzantiumDate: 6th c.Works: On ByzantiumStephen of TaronDate: Early 11th c.Works: Universal historyStephen the HistorianDate: Before 11th c.Works: HistorySura, AemiliusDate: 2nd c. B.C.-imperial periodWorks: On the chronology of RomeSymeon of Beth ArshamDate: Died 540sWorks: Letter on the martyrs of NajranSymeon of Beth GarmaiDate: 6th-7th c.Works: ChronicleSymeon of KarkaDate: 8th-9th c.Works: ChronicleSymeon ShanqlawiDate: Late 12th- early 13th c.Works: ChronicleSymeon the JacobiteDate: 10th-11th c.?Works: ChronicleSymeon the LogotheteDate: Middle of 10th c.Works: ChronicleSymeon the Logothete, Pseudo-Date: Middle of 10th-early 11th c.Works: ChronicleSymeon the PotterDate: 5th-6th c. (fl. 510)Works: Poem (?)Symeon, the Son of the CooksDate: 8th c.Works: Ecclesiastical historySymmachus the YoungerDate: Ca. 450-525Works: HistorySymmachus, AvianiusDate: Died ca. 377Works: PortraitsTeucer of CyzicusDate: Unknown (1st c. B.C.?)Works: On ArabiaJewish history On ByzantiumOn the gold-producing land On TyreThe deeds of MithridatesThalassiusDate: Middle of 4th c.Works: Life of Theophilus the IndianTheodore LectorDate: Late 5th-early 6th c.Works: Ecclesiastical historyTheodore Lector, the ByzantineDate: 8th c.Works: Catalogue of womenTheodore of AlexandriaDate: 4th-6th c.Works: Epic on AlexandriaTheodore SyncellusDate: First half of 7th c.Works: Homily on the Avar siege of ConstantinopleTheodore the ArmenianDate: Middle of 5th c.Works: ChronicleTheodore, son of KoniDate: Second half of 8th c.Works: Ecclesiastical historyTheodoret of CyrDate: Ca. 393-466Works: History of the monks of SyriaEcclesiastical historyTheodosius of EdessaDate: Late 8th c.-832Works: HistoryTheodulph of OrléansDate: Middle of 8th c.-821Works: Books of CharlemagneTheon of AlexandriaDate: Second half of 4th c.Works: List of emperorsFasti TheonisOn the flooding of the Nile Theophanes ConfessorDate: 760-818Works: ChronographyTheophanes of ByzantiumDate: Second half of 6th c.Works: HistoriesHistory of JustinianTheophilus of EdessaDate: 695?-785Works: HistoryTheophilus the Chronicler of AlexandriaDate: 2nd-5th c.Works: ChronicleTheophylact SimocattaDate: Ca. 585-640Works: Ecumenical historyTheseusDate: 1st-3rd c.?Works: Lives of famous men Corinthian historyThomas ArtsruniDate: Late 9th-early 10th c.Works: History of the House of Artsrunik῾Thomas of MargaDate: Ca. 810-860Works: Book of governorsThomas the PriestDate: 7th c.Works: NoticesTimothy AelurusDate: Died 477Works: Book of historiesTimothy I, CatholicosDate: 727/728-823Works: Book of questionsTimothy of AlexandriaDate: Died 384Works: History of the monks in EgyptTimothy of AntiochDate: 5th c.Works: ChronicleTimothy of BeirutDate: Second half of 4th c.Works: Ecclesiastical historyTimothy of GazaDate: Under Anastasius (491-518)Works: On animalsTrajan the PatricianDate: Late 7th-early 8th c.Works: HistoryTribonianDate: Middle of 6th c.Works: Life of Theodotus the philosopherTroilus of SideDate: Late 4th c.-414Works: On the foundation of ConstantinopleTyconiusDate: Second half of 4th c.Works: On civil warExpositions of different causesUlpianusDate: Late 3rd-first half of 4th c.Works: On ArabiaOn AntiochPatria of BosporusPatria of EmesaPatria of HeliopolisUraniusDate: Second half of 4th c.Works: On Arabia UrsinusDate: Before the 10th c.Works: On the wars of the kings and their livesValensDate: Before 6th c.Works: History of CaesarValentinusDate: Middle of 4th c.Works: Chronograph of 354Valerius, JuliusDate: First half of 4th c.Works: History of Alexander the GreatItinerary of AlexanderVictor of TunnunaDate: Middle of 6th c.Works: ChronicleVictor of VitaDate: Second half of 5th c.Works: History of the Vandal persecutionVictor, AureliusDate: Attested 361-389Works: CaesarsVictorius of AquitaineDate: Middle of 5th c.Works: Easter tableWinitharDate: Ca. 740-790Works: Ages of the worldYose ben Halafta, RabbiDate: Second half of 2nd c.Works: Ordering of the worldZachariah ScholasticusDate: Ca. 460-540Works: Ecclesiastical historyZachariah, Pseudo-Date: Late 6th-early 7th c.Works: Ecclesiastical historyZamardusDate: Before 12th c.Works: ChronicleZemarchusDate: Middle of 6th c.Works: ReportZenob of GlakDate: Ca. 300Works: History of TaronZenobiaDate: Ca. 240-275Works: EpitomeZosimusDate: Second half of 5th c.Works: New historyZosimus of AscalonDate: End of 5th-early 6th c.Works: Life of DemosthenesŁazar P‘arpec‘iDate: Second half of 5th-early 6th c.Works: History of the ArmeniansŁewondDate: Late 8th-end of 9th c.Works: History Filter by Date Filter by Confession Chaldaean Christian Christian (Apollinarian) Christian (Arian [Eunomian]) Christian (Arian [Homoian]) Christian (Arian [Macedonian]) Christian (Arian) Christian (Armenian orthodox) Christian (Byzantine orthodox) Christian (Catholic) Christian (Chalcedonian [Maronite]) Christian (Chalcedonian [Maronite])? Christian (Chalcedonian [Melkite]) Christian (Chalcedonian) Christian (Coptic) Christian (Donatist) Christian (East Syrian) Christian (Iconophile) Christian (Miaphysite) Christian (Nestorian) Christian (Nicene) Christian (Nicene)? Christian (Novatian) Christian (Syrian orthodox) Christian? Jewish Jewish (converted) Jewish? Manichean Pagan Pagan? Unknown Zoroastrian Zoroastrian?